Commander's Star Base: Ask an ET
by Commander Sanni Ceto
© 2010 (all rights reserved)
article from the OCTOBER 2010 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
Dear Sanni,I have been told that humans have no souls. If this is true, then what is that the Silver Cord attached to, in the shape of a human body, which rises from the body at death, and can be seen by psychics? Cordially, Patrick
Dear Patrick,
Humans and, in fact, all organic life forms have a
soul, and that would be a type of plasma either that inhabits or
gives life to every cell within the body in which it lives.
The cord only takes the human shape when the person is projecting
himself out of the body, though this must always remain tethered
to the cord that binds it to the "container" it is from, or death
will occur once the cord is severed.
Again, all humans have a soul or a plasma consciousness that
animates and gives personality to the shells they reside in.
Psychics are wrong if they are saying people don't have a soul!
Love, Commander Sanni
If you have a question for Commander Sanni Ceto, please e-mail it to
and put "Ask ET" in the subject line. The Commander is happy to answer any and
all questions.
following is an excerpt from a chapter in Sanni's book, Zeti
Child, Lost Upon a One Star World, available from Earth Star
publications for $12.95 (postpaid).
Reticulans vs.
© 2006 Cmdr Sanni Emyetti Ceto
Reticulans evolved
separately and apart from reptoid species on different solar
systems, but in neighboring galaxies.
Dorado and Draconi are
home systems to the Deraks and Terak people who are aquanoid
people that evolved from dinosaur-like species.
Reticulans are advanced
social insectoids that come from an ant and mantid ancestor that
are of a hive mind. Reptoids don't live in a hive system and are
highly territorial and very individualistic in their ways.
Reticulans learned the
art of peaceful living as hive members, and their people had no
wars among themselves as they served universal space laws, while
reptoids disobeyed these laws and destroyed millions of innocent
people on different planets before they settled upon Earth and
passed as humans to infiltrate world governments.
Reticulan people came
here to Earth in the mid 1930s to late '40s because reptoid people
in governments were detonating thermonuclear devices that
threatened Earth and other planets beyond it.
Reptoids had many
treaties with the USA and other nations, and we Reticulans tried
to intervene as reptoids wanted the humans that were their
servants to use this technology for war.
Using that technology
for war was a violation of universal space law. Reticulans always
adhered to nonaggression and never invaded any planets, unlike the
reptoids who invaded many worlds and caused many races to become
Reptoids on Earth
shape-shift to appear as humans so that they can use their powers
and be unseen by native humans. Reptoid people are experts at
controlling minds and reading thoughts (telepathy). They are found
in positions of power, such as the military and your governments.
Their agendas are to
invade other nations on planets on which they are guests and to
rule those nations, leading the humans there to fall for their
plans, which aren't those from the Light.
Reticulan people come to
teach people to solve their many problems upon their planets, and
teach peace and how to live in harmony with the planet and not
against it.
Reptoid races only serve
a master of control and arrogance, which will in time lead them to
their defeat as a species.
Reticulan people follow
the path of light and nonaggression and do not abduct humans.
Reptoids are responsible
for this as their plan is to control Earth and other planets they
are on, and force other ET races to leave Earth or create wars
among them and the humans.
Some day the reptoids
will be seen in the darkness they emit, and they will be the ones
who will leave Earth.
Go here to purchase ZETI CHILD, Lost Upon a One Star World.
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