Commander's Star Base: Ask an ET

by Commander Sanni Ceto
© 2011 (all rights reserved)

An article from the DECEMBER 2011 issue of THE STAR BEACON.

Q: .Dear Commander Sanni Emyetti Ceto,
         Let me start by thanking you for your book,
Stranded On Earth. A new friend in my life, (John...1 of 3) loaned me his copy. I also pray that you are feeling well at this writing.
        My adult daughter has been with me for many lives. (We have been told by John that she is hybrid and meant to be a teacher.)
        We dream-fasted together about 30 years ago and found ourselves in a place and time such as ancient Aztec or Mayan lifetimes. I would like to know where we are from and if this is our last time on Earth. I feel ready to move on.          Sincerely, Stephanie


A: Dear Stephanie,
         This event about Mayan or Aztec was from a long ago past life. Were all of your mates named John as that’s interesting. As to your future lives, you’ll return to Lyra and Pleiades from where you originated eons prior to taking a human body in your last life.
.                                                                                            Love, Commander Sanni

Q: Greetings, friend,
          I very much appreciate your sincerity and willingness to answer my questions. Are the Zetas a dying race? Is the human appearance the template for this Universe? How many different races of Grays are now on Earth living in the underground bases? Are there benevolent and malevolent races of Grays? Who is the Gray race that has Oriental looking features? They are kidnapping humans...why? You say you wish to help with our ascension... how is this possible? Sorry for asking so many questions... I actually have dozens more. You are honest and I am so excited to have found you... I will graciously await your reply                                                                        Big hugs, Sandra

A: Dear Sandra,
         Zetis are an ancient insectoid race that is slowly dying due to limited resources on their planets within their galaxy. Human appearance is one of many templates which were given to humans from their Pleiadian ancestors eons ago.
         There are about 48 different subraces/species of Grays with about a quarter of them living on Earth in those bases. There are good and bad in all species, whether it be lizard or insectoid.
         The Gray race with Oriental features is a subrace of Kebbens, related to the Essanian subrace from Betelgeuse.
         I don’t wish to achieve your planetary ascension as that’s up to all to achieve as it’s the humans’ goal to promote peace and strive to create change to bring that into reality. Not one can do that.                                                           Love, Commander Sanni


Special Announcement!

Commander Sanni’s books, STRANDED ON EARTH and ZETI CHILD
have been archived in the Roswell UFO Museum.

Special thanks to Mara & David Edwards for their help with this accomplishment!  

Commander Sanni Ceto’s two books, Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child,
are available through or follow the link at

Stranded On Earth is now in ebook format at Amazon Kindle (for just $6.95). Zeti Child will be in ebook format soon.

If you have a question for Commander Sanni Ceto, please e-mail it to and put “Ask ET” in the subject line. The Commander is happy to answer any and all questions.





This page updated December 10, 2011


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