edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
© 2012 (all rights reserved)
An article from the December 2012 issue of
BBC film crew arrested at Area 51
A BBC film crew was held
at gunpoint after they tried to sneak into Area 51 in Nevada. According to a
news brief in The Week, the crew, along with UFO expert Darren Perks, were
searching for new evidence on UFOs, aliens and a government conspiracy.
After entering the base, security guards held them at gunpoint, facedown on the
desert floor, and told them Washington had been alerted to a serious breach of
security. “They could make you disappear, and your body will never be found,”
Perks said he was told. Instead, he and the BBC crew got away with a fine of
$600 each.
(Source: The Week,
10/26/12, thanks to James Parsons)
Fox UFO News Reports
According to Filer’s
Files, Fox News states: “A video has been leaked showing footage captured by
an American amateur astronomer of an Unidentified Flying Object. Apparently this
footage will be released to the general public in late November 2012.”
George Filer writes, “Thank you
to someone for recording the Fox News report because otherwise it would be gone.
It seems that Fox News posted the story early, because it is dated Nov. 22, 2012
(Filer’s Files report is dated Nov. 15 with the Fox News report on Nov. 9). Also
I checked the Fox News ‘Air and Space’ section and the story was taken down
for unknown reasons, which also makes me believe someone is editing the
“In addition, Nick Pope on Fox
News claims UK Military tried to shoot down UFOs on Jan. 27, 2009.
“Rumors suggest NASA has an
acclimatization program preparing the world for confirmation of the existence of
extra-terrestrials. It has also been hinted that an exciting revelation will be
forthcoming regarding NASA’s Mars Curiosity mission. It is believed proof that
the Red Planet was once populated by an advanced civilization will be revealed.”
(Source: Filer’s Files
Gary McKinnon and his
mother Janis Sharp can breathe sighs of relief because British Home Secretary
Theresa May officially announced that the UK will not extradite McKinnon to the
United States, according to Filer’s Files #44/2012.
McKinnon was charged by
the US with the “biggest military computer hack of all time” in 2001 and 2002
after looking for information about UFOs and extraterrestrials in NASA and
Pentagon computers, and has been fighting extradition ever since. Lanny Breuer,
US assistant attorney-general in charge of criminal cases, said, “Officials are
‘very disappointed’ with the decision not to extradite Mr. McKinnon.”
McKinnon has Asperger’s
syndrome and faced 60 years in prison if he had been found guilty in a US court.
But he won his battle against extradition after Theresa May told MPs there was a
risk McKinnon would likely commit suicide if he was sent to face trial in
After multiple delays,
May finally issued her decision on Oct. 16, 2012. If McKinnon’s data is correct,
it validates the assumption the US Navy may well be operating off-planet via
back-engineered ET technology. His data indicates the Navy and probably the Air
Force operate a fleet of space craft and officers to either occupy or otherwise
control them.
Gary McKinnon states, “I
found a list of fleet-to-fleet transfers, and a list of ship names. I looked
them up. They weren’t US Navy ships. What I saw made me believe they have some
kind of spaceship, off-planet.” Aviation Week Magazine claimed the US has
the Blackstar space craft. US Navy Clementine mission project mapped the entire
In his interview with the
BBC, Gary claimed, “The Disclosure Project” had some very credible people all
saying there is UFO technology, there’s anti-gravity, there’s free energy, and
it’s extraterrestrial in origin and they’ve captured spacecraft and reverse
engineered it.”
McKinnon claimed to have
viewed a detailed image of “something not man-made and cigar shaped floating
above the northern hemisphere.”
To recap the Gary
McKinnon saga, check out the timeline assembled by the Telegraph at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/9611085/Gary-McKinnon-extradition-timeline-on-how-the-fight-unfolded.html.
Filer’s Files #44-2012, dated Nov. 1, 2012)
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This page updated December 3, 2012
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