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Letters from the FEBRUARY 2012
Dear Ann,
Regarding an article published in TSB for December 2011 by Tom T. Moore titled “The Gentle Way”: The question posed by CMEDDiane regarding a pending eruption of Yellowstone caught my attention. Actually, it more than caught my attention; it has been more than 10 years since I have felt compelled to write a Letter to the Editor.
In June 2009 my husband Bob and I traveled to Yellowstone National Park. This would be my first visit to the park. Bob had been there some years before with his son. We stayed on the western side of the park and always entered the caldera from that location.
From the moment I entered the park I became uneasy. The anxiety, nervousness and fear I was feeling was a great surprise to me as well as Bob. As we traveled along asphalt roads looking at the sites along the way, I became deeply concerned that we were in a place that no human should be traveling. Both sides of the roadway held pits with boiling earth from which steam was emanating. Several times Bob asked if I wanted to leave the car to hike the paths or look at the areas from a closer perspective. Most often my answer was no.
Following the first day in the park, I began to understand from where my fear and anxiety stemmed. I realized that I was feeling fear and anxiety because I felt the Yellowstone volcano could and will erupt soon. My awareness is that there are no easy, quick ways out of the park. Again, I continued to evaluate my impressions. They told me that this area is so volatile that it should immediately close. My impressions were especially strong on the western portion of the caldera.
With my sun sign in an earth element and my ascendant and moon in fire signs, I allowed that I might be more sensitive to this type of energy than others might.
Since our 2009 visit to the park, I have continued to feel very strongly that the volcano at Yellowstone will not remain dormant. I feel that it will erupt violently and will cause individuals in Colorado to suffer. Scientists have made clear that Wyoming and Canada will be affected, even devastated. My feeling is that the state of Colorado will be severely and dramatically affected as well as the above-mentioned Wyoming and Canada. I cannot explain nor do I understand the reason for this.
Our desire as citizens to see various sites in the US is understandable. We have the good fortune to experience Mother Nature in a myriad of ways. I do believe, however, that Yellowstone Park is an area that scientists should continue to study and the public needs to avoid. As beautiful as Hayden and Lamar Valley are, they do not outweigh the risks involved to visit them.
Barbara Huth
West Union, Ohio
Barbara, thank you for sharing this in The Star Beacon. Such strong
emotions are usually a good indication that your Guidance is in place. As you
know, Doug and I traveled through Yellowstone in July, on our way home from the
Pacific Northwest. We did not linger in Yellowstone. Some of our friends have
voiced their concern about our decision to move out of Colorado (which I love,
by the way!). I haven’t been able to explain my own urgency to move—especially
after coming to a beautiful place such as Pagosa Springs and with so many loving
lightworkers here.
If others would like to comment on Yellowstone and the earth changes ahead, Reader’s Forum is the place to do it. Send your letters and comments to The Star Beacon, 216 Sundown Circle, Pagosa Springs CO 81147 (or
— Ann
Update from Sara
For those who are having a hard time contacting me (Sara Hockenbery), DO NOT
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Also I now have a one-page back-to-back newsletter for free called: “The New Order of the Phoenix,” and also a short bio of who I am and a business card of sorts. Anytime you wish to just talk to someone, just email me concerning things of what you experience as a Star Seed and Lightworker.
If you order my books, please make the check out to Waneta Hockenbery. I have an
Arizona ID and the name Waneta Hockenbery is required when cashing checks.
Sending love and bright lights your way!
Sara/Waneta/Ambassador Julieanux
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