The Meaning of It All
© 2012 (all rights reserved)
An article from the APRIL 2012 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
Dishing out spiritual nourishment for 25 years
Photo by Doug Elmore
This month The Star Beacon turns 25. In celebration of publishing a UFO/metaphysical newsletter for a quarter of a decade, I decided to go through the older issues and mention some items (and people) of interest.
The Star Beacon’s first issue came out in April 1987 with just two pages (a back and a front) and was sent to a couple dozen people I knew. In May of that year I delivered four pages and charged 75¢ an issue. By November the Beacon had gone up to eight pages and I had paying subscribers. In fact, thanks to Dr. Leo Sprinkle, professor emeritus from the University of Wyoming and his generous mailing list of UFO conference participants, people all over the country began to subscribe.
Lucille McNames (known as Sari) was featured in the August 1987 Star Beacon and contributed many of her channelings in subsequent issues. Lucille was an excellent intuitive and wrote Startling Revelations and The Crystal Tower, long before channeled books became fashionable.
Julian Joyce let me reprint his just published (through Earth Star) booklet, Lifted Up, in the December 1987 issue. He was featured in the September 1991 Star Beacon, “The metaphysical voice of Julian Joyce,” and in January 1993 Julian started a brief monthly column called “Cosmic Thoughts.”
A “ufological crossword” which I composed myself appeared in the February 1988 issue, but because a subscriber complained that it was too frivolous for the Beacon, I never printed another one... until now (see that same crossword on page 13).
In April 1988 I did an interview, “The Secret Power of Crystals,” with massage therapist/healer Laurel Williams. In October of that year I interviewed Jane Seymour Cartwright (Hokulani) of Crawford, Colo., in “Needle Rock, An Enigma.”
Winston Sarafian was a regular contributor of poems by “Mo-Wa the Zeta Reticulan” in the early years. I’ve often wondered what became of him.
In April 1989 my first husband,
Jeff Ulrich, wrote an article, “Cold Fusion may change life on Earth.”
Fred Pulver, who became a regular contributor of health-related and/or
energy-related articles, wrote “Tachyonic Space/ Time Travel” in that issue.
Fred is an authority on macrobiotics and his story of a UFO contact when he was
on the Hopi reservation was published in the January 2000 issue. He also wrote
quite a bit about colloidal silver (April 1996) and how to build a colloidal
silver generator in the October 1996 Star Beacon.
Victoria Wolcott (now Biedron)
was featured in the May 1989 issue, “Polarity and the gift of healing.” At that
time Dr. Scott Corder of Ottawa, Kan., made news when his license to
practice medicine was suspended due to his writing a book about a woman from
Russell, Kan. (Donna Butts), who was being abducted by ETs.
My “DISC-ussion” column started in
June 1989 and has run almost every month since then. Then we were blessed with
Nina Ansley of Silverdale, Wash., who started the “Life on Saturn” series
with Thokol in September 1989. That was also the month when I reported my
sighting, “UFO cruises over Delta, CO.”
In November 1989 Heidi DuVal
(now Frazier) and Henrietta Raines, associate co-directors of UFO Contact
Center International, wrote about “The Brush Creek Sightings” in Crested Butte,
An interesting investigation by
Bonnie Easterly-Huber was published on “The Olympic Peninsula Contact” --
strange goings-on in Washington state -- in the December 1989 Star Beacon.
In January 1990 Chrystle Clae,
intuitive astrologer, came on board with her horoscope column “Starlight
Motivations.” In March 1990 I wrote about “Weird Al... a desert alien,” after I
returned from my first trip to Why, Ariz. a month earlier.
“Adona’s positive encounters prepare
her for the future” featured UFOCCI associate director Donna Brown (Adona)
in April 1990, and in June of that year Linda Dudar, another associate
director, was featured in “Sentrina’s dreams of UFOs prompt spiritual
awakening.” “Nothing New Under the Sun” featured associate director Brent
Raynes in July 1990. Being an associate director of UFO Contact Center
myself, it was exciting to get to know and write about these other associate
directors in the U.S. The founder of the organization, Aileen Garrouté
(known then as Edwards) continues to share information about UFOs on her blog,
“UFOs et al.”
In August 1990 I did an interview
with musician Herb Ernst, composer of “The Dreamflight Trilogy” from
Maple Valley, Wash., in “Expressing musically the God within.”
Crop circles were featured in October
1990, and in December of that year young teenager Christine Blue was
featured in “To be a star child.”
In January 1991 Dr. Norma
Milanovich’s message to the UN from Master Kuthumi was printed, and in
February and March 1991 “UFOs Over Hawaii” featured Chris Wong’s
remarkable photos of UFOs.
John Cali of Great Western
Publishing introduced himself to The Star Beacon in March 1991 and some
time later (in June 2002) his “Chief Joseph” column began to run every month.
About a year ago John renamed his column to “Conversations with Spirit and John
Cali,” but the wisdom is just as good!
Another associate director,
Claudia Sanderson, was featured in April 1991, in “Promoting awareness in
Kansas City.” Also in April, Lee Walsh began writing interesting
paranormal articles, starting with “The Mystery of Harmonics,” and Anne K.
Hudec contributed with “Learning to discriminate in UFO contacts.”
In July 1991 Shirlé Klein-Carsh’s
“Personal UFO Story” ran, but it wouldn’t be until March 1993 that Earth Star
published this Canadian woman’s autobiography in Permutation, A True UFO
Sheri Gould, UFOCCI associate
director from Buffalo, Wyo., was featured in the August 1991 Star Beacon
with “Remember the lights -- Remember the lights!” She has written many
excellent UFO and Star Knowledge conference reports over the years.
Torner (from England) began
contributing art in October 1991 and was interested in reporting weather
patterns, particularly in Great Britain and Europe April 1998).
In December 1991 Vincent Luciani
wrote a guest opinion and would later contribute many interesting articles
-- one I remember was on Peace Pilgrim -- and another in January 1992 called
“Near death experience leads to a new life.”
Harv Howard, yet another
UFOCCI associate director, from Manchaca, Texas, wrote about “The flying door, a
rectangular ghost, or...?” in December 1991.
In February 1992 Elena Ruiz de
Castilla wrote about “My Extraterrestrial Soulmate” and Jennifer
Brown-Jacobs wrote “Ghosts are not to be feared.”
Nina Ansley began “Cosmic
School” in April 1992. And in May 1992 Sal Amendola wrote “Animal
mutilations: ‘Legitimate Questions.’ ”
It was in November 1992 when readers
were introduced to John Robert Feather, who wrote about “New energy
detected on planet” (on the photon belt). In May 1993 John would write about
Aquarian Chakra and Connects.
Arda Golden Eagle Woman was
featured in February 1993 in “How to awaken to expanded awareness.” She began
writing her “Crystals of Light” column in May 1999.
Laszlo Steiner’s “Alien
Teachings: The Message and the Meaning” series began in February 1993 and
covered the following contactees: Howard Menger, George Adamski, Oscar Magocsi,
Admiral Richard E. Byrd, David Jungclaus, Ph.D. and the Ugha Mongulala, ending
with “Universal Laws.”
In April 1993 Scott Corrales
wrote “Human Ufonauts: An Alien Fifth Column?” Scott has the Inexplicata Web
site and translates UFO reports from Spanish into English.
Al Fry emerged in June 1993
with his first article, “Psychic Self-Defense Principles,” and in July 1993
Rev. Milton Nothdurft wrote “The Challenge -- Entertainment or
“Looking Toward the Future” featured
intuitive Linda Maupin in the November 1993 issue.
The April 1994 Star Beacon was
the 7th anniversary issue and featured a collage of Star Beacon readers
who had sent in their photos.
In October 1994 Polly Cady was
featured in “Change your handwriting, change your life.” And in November 1994
S. Patricia Welsh wrote about “UFO public awareness alive and well in
Shari Adamiak wrote “Crop
Circle Update -- 1994” in December of that year, and in January 1995 Part 1 of
“The Sentrina Mystery” (about Linda Dudar) was published.
In April 1995 Ron Quinn wrote
up his personal experience, “In honoring who we truly are, we please God.” In
May 1995 Sheri Gould wrote about her son, “Adam, a special star child.”
Pepper Lewis shared “A Letter
from Mother Earth” in the August 1995 issue.
“Cracking the Eggshell” featured
Honey Lee (Peggy) French in March 1996.
“The Contact Stories of Irene
Dickson” began in July 1996, and Bella Martin’s UFO Southwest art
weaving was pictured in the August 1996 issue.
KT from Alpha Centauri showed
up in February 1997 with his “Life on Alpha Centauri” series. The April issue
that year was our 10th anniversary and we featured “Cosmic Critters.”
Hale-Bopp was popular in May 1997.
Merry Browne was a regular contributor of short pieces of wisdom, including
her opinion on cloning in May ’97.
Kaye Studstrup wrote about the
Utah crop circle in October 1997, and that same month Irina H. Corten, Ph.D.
made her debut with “The Shaman’s Path,” starting with “Discovering Shamanism.”
Y2K and changing earth maps came into
focus in January 1998.
James Parsons wrote “Adventure in the Bermuda Triangle” in February 1998,
followed by many book reviews and interesting articles on UFOs.
Lori Cordini started her
series, “Tales of a Wanderer,” in February 1998.
There was an interview by Franklyn
Carter of Dr. Leo Sprinkle which ran for three months starting in
November 1998.
Sanni’s story (in brief) was
presented in April 1999 with “Stranded on Earth: The Plight of Sanni.” She
became a regular contributor after that with various channelings, cartoons (Meeb-Beep)
and lately her “Commander’s Star Base: Ask an ET” column.
Hannah Beaconsfield came on
the scene with “Pleiadian Light” channelings in April 2000 and has been a
regular contributor since.
From Canada we had a teenager,
Droga Beauregard,
writing “Pleiadian Corner” starting in May 2000, and Edna Drake from B.C. wrote
“My first introduction to spiritualist churches” in May, followed by other
Aluna Joy Yaxk’in wrote “Becoming the SUN” in May 2000, followed by “Icing on
the Cake” in July of that year.
“The Portland UFO Stories” was a two-parter that began in June 2000 by DK Nihoa.
Jelaila Starr articles began appearing in June 2000 with “Eating meat and DNA
Christine Bearse wrote “Return to Mystical Mount Shasta” in October 2000 and
Christine Davidson was featured in November 2000 in “Christamaria prepares for
new spiritual community in Virginia’s Kether Valley.”
Julian Joyce’s daughter, Judy Galloway, wrote “The White House Ghost” and Arda
Golden Eagle Woman’s daughter, Shari Clark, wrote “Christmas Magic” in December
In May 2001 Lilian Mustelier wrote about the earthquake in Washington state in
“Canary 6.8: A lightworker’s close encounter of the seismic kind.”
Paul Bartch started doing book reviews in May 2001 and was prolific for a while.
Chemtrails came to our attention with the first article, “Chemtrails Spraying:
Fire in the Sky?” in September 2001, and Davina Ryszka wrote a report on a
chemtrail lecture in September 2002. Davina reported on many UFOs all over the
country from the late ’90s on.
Scott Mandelker wrote “Love in the Bomb Shelter: World Service in Crisis” in
January 2002, and Richard Gregory wrote about “Synchronistics.”
Esprit (Darcy Christensen) was featured in March 2002, “The Earth Masters.”
Georgia Graham’s “Sins of the Fathers (The History of Gaia)” series started in
September 2002.
Michael Perrine in Japan wrote articles, one of which included “Iraq’s
resistance is to be expected” in April 2003.
In July 2003 The Star Beacon changed to its current format using color on the
front and back pages. All of the articles are listed with brief descriptions (by
year) in the Subject Index on line at
Back issues are available and can be had for just $2.00 per issue. Check out the
Web site’s Subject Index or write to me and I’ll send you a printout.
Looking back, there are so many interesting tidbits of information and so many
interesting people I’ve come to know through these pages over the years. I can’t
begin to include them all in this small space, so I just want to thank everyone
for being with me all this time. Through all the changes I’ve gone through
(divorce, widowed, moving, etc., etc.), I feel like you all are “family.”
I can’t end without mentioning those of you who have helped in many ways over
the years:
Hartmut Jager (artist), Richard Heiden (clippings),
Valerie Benson (art/clippings), Roy Kotval, Lady Isis, Marie Gomez, Tumeria Langlois (“Alpha
Bits”), Terry Stokes, Suzanne Ward (“Matthew’s Messages”), my son Marty Ulrich,
George Filer (reports on line), Niara Terela, Donald A. Ware, Willy Whitefeather,
Mark Kimmel, Emma O’Brian, Christine Dickey, Tom T. Moore, White Owl, Michael
Guest, Chris Lock, Carol Elek and Ray Larsen. Please forgive me if I have left
your name out... (deadlines are intense!)
I’d also like to offer special recognition to my partner, Doug Elmore, for his
enthusiasm and support and wise business advice in the last year.
Thanks for hanging in with me for 25 years.
This page updated April 3, 2012
2012 2011 2010
2009 2008 2007
2006 2005 2004
2003 2002 2001
2000 1999 1998
1997 1996 1995
1994 1993 1992
1991 1990 1989
Back issues available for $2.00
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