Book Reviews
© 2012 (all rights reserved)
An article from the JUNE 2012 issue
A mother's heartbreaking journey to peace
Hummingbirds Don't Fly in the Rain, by
Kimberly Klein
ISBN 978-0-9837750-0-3
PMA Press, 2011, paperback
229 pages, $16.95
Review by Ann Ulrich Miller
On Dec. 23, 2007 in Panama, a private
plane carrying Kimberly Klein's 13-year-old daughter, Talia, her ex-husband
Michael, and her daughter's best friend crashed into a volcano. The event made
international news as the frantic search for survivors ensued through stormy
weather, fog and dangerous mountain terrain. Finally Kim learned that there was
only one survivor--but it was not her daughter.
Kimberly Klein wrote Hummingbirds
Don't Fly in the Rain as a way of dealing with her daughter's tragic death.
She needed to clarify the events in her mind that had been closed off due to the
grief process.
From the beginning the reader is
drawn in by the excruciating circumstances and drama of a frantic single mother
who has received that most dreaded phone call that her child may be lost
We can only begin to imagine what it
must be like for a mother whose heart is broken as she returns to the U.S. with
her daughter's ashes in a backpack and in-laws who appear cold and unfeeling
toward her grief in their own suffering.
Although Kim did not believe in life
after "death," Talia reaches out from the Other Side and literally touches her
mother. What follows are many communications from intuitives until eventually
Kim learns how to communicate with Talia herself.
There are so many aspects to this
inspiring story that make this a "must read" for anyone who has dealt with grief
or impending loss of a loved one.
The pure dedication of this devoted
and conscientious mother alone is worth the perusal of this book. The beautiful
message shared is that not only is there "life after death," but there is no
Cosmic Relationships on and off Planet Earth
Relationships: Exploring the Soul's Journey from Off-Earth, Earth Lives, and
Reincarnation, by Evelyn Fuqua, Ph.D.
OMRA, 2012, ISBN 978-1-469900-32-2
(paperback) or ebook (978-0-9850091-0-6).
Review by Ann Ulrich Miller
Dr. Evelyn Fuqua has worked as a past
life regression therapist. She graduated from Agnes Scott College in Decatur,
Ga., with a B.A. in Psychology in 1953. She received her M.A. in Counseling from
California State University Sacramento in 1963 and completed a Ph.D. program in
Psychology in 1983 from the Professional School of Psychology. She was a
teacher, counselor and special education resource specialist in the public
schools for 33 years.
In 1987 she entered private practice
as a Marriage, Family and Child Therapist specializing in Past Life Regression
Therapy and Extraterrestrial research. She served on the Board of Directors for
the Association of Past Life Research and Therapy (presently IARRT) for six
years and became convinced that therapy can be greatly accelerated by combining
traditional therapy with past life regressions and spiritual hypnotherapy.
In 1988 she discovered a Soul
Exchange in a woman client who came to her for physical problems. Rose had a
soul exchange experience when she was three years, two months old. Evelyn's work
with Rose resulted in the book, From Sirius to Earth: A Therapist Discovers a
Soul Exchange. Dr. Fuqua is an international authority on the Walk-In
phenomenon and has appeared on numerous radio talk shows. In addition to having
given presentations at many professional conferences. Dr. Fuqua has also written
a manual and recorded an album on self-esteem based on her work with children in
the schools for her Ph.D. dissertation.
Cosmic Relationships, Dr.
Fuqua's latest book, delves into her soul relationships with her three previous
husbands, and her present mate, Paul. Every relationship is a cosmic one,
starting with her first husband, Carroll, who was an industrial engineer. Her
second husband was Wally, a geologist. She describes the challenges and lessons
each relationship brought to her life in order to balance karma and assist in
soul evolution. Through readings from Athor and others, information fills in the
gaps and makes sense out of mystifying events and perplexing emotions.
The story grows intensely interesting
when Evelyn meets Ed Cook, her Air Force Colonel husband, who had a UFO
experience as well as a near-death experience. Ed made his transition on May 7,
2009. He and Evelyn had made their final move from Rocklin, Calif., in July 2008
with the expectation that they would have many more years to enjoy together, but
the Universe had other plans for Ed.
After Ed's passing, Evelyn received
messages from Ed on the Other Side, one of which was a strong warning about a
pending war. Evelyn went so far as to write a very thought-provoking letter to
Attorney General Eric Holder regarding the situation in Libya. There is also the
intriguing news of Ed's rebirth on planet Earth which may one day play out to be
of planetary significance.
Then Evelyn meets Paul, her current
mate, and the romance unfolds through beautiful love letters she shares with
readers from this 80-year-old man. It is obvious he is the one she waited for
all of her life.
Anyone who has been married more than
once or experienced an array of love relationships will recognize the joy of
finding that "Special One." Nothing is ever the same. It's almost like you are
rewarded for all the prior years of debt-paying in order to balance the karma in
your life and those with whom you've had relationships.
Naturally, I found synchronicities
and exciting tidbits throughout the book that provided confirmation and helped
me realize that indeed I can count myself among those lucky enough to have more
than one soul mate. For those still searching, you will be encouraged by this
Dr. Fuqua is currently retired and
living in the beautiful coastal town of Bandon, Oregon with her mate Paul and
cat Boots. You can order her book from her Web site at
or purchase the ebook from Amazon Kindle.
Aspen romance novel touches upon supernatural
Sonata Summer, by Ann Ulrich Miller
Earth Star
June 2012, 192 pages,
ISBN 978-0-944851-35-7
Softcover, $11.95
Review by Chrystle Clae
Amidst the never-ending awe and wonder of Colorado, Ann Ulrich Miller has
written a lovely romantic novel, rich with characters who evoke a myriad of
feelings--as Colorado can be as dangerous as it is inviting to the creative
spirit of her readers!
Rhea is a bereft and talented young woman from the Midwest who discovered
paradise in Aspen, only to lose her fiance--just days before their wedding--to the
wilderness they both enjoyed.
We meet this piano student, who came to Aspen to study at the Aspen Musical
Festival, roughly one year after her loss, when she meets an intriguing man who
also loves the outdoors.
This novel takes you through grief, fear, discovery and the completeness Rhea
experiences when playing the piano--and all the electricity falling in love can
create within.
Letting go of the old and embracing the new is a lesson Rhea must learn, and is
especially hard when Parker's spirit jogs (unseen by others) alongside of her on
the Rio Grande Trail. How can she be unfaithful to him?
The twists and turns of Rhea's misconception and the truths held back from her
keep the reader turning the pages of this well told story.
I am a longtime lover of Miller's various works and was not disappointed in
Sonata Summer. This is a suspenseful and romantic novel created by the author's
skill to make you appreciate and feel as if you are transported to Colorado.
It's a keeper!
Chrystle Clae, an intuitive astrologer and author of
Sacred Symbology, reviews
romance novels from Largo, Florida.
For order information,
go to www.earthstarpublications/sonatasummer.html.
This page updated May 30, 2012
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