Star Base:
Ask an ET
by Commander Sanni Ceto
© 2012 (all rights reserved)
article from the December 2012 issue of
Dear Commander,Now that I understand my true origin ( human beings are actually seeded by ET), as a human being, how should I live my life on Earth? How do I know my true purpose of life? How can I get connected to our source or God?
How are you? Are you happy? Do you have a lot of friends to talk to every day? I wish I could be your friend. Maymee
A: Dear Maymee,
You connect to source or
God through being in and around nature and animals. Your soul’s choice will
guide you into knowing your purpose in this life.
I’m happy now that I
have accepted myself and no longer am ashamed or embarrassed about what I am and
who I am. I’m mostly silent as communication has always been hard for me,
especially when you have to force it to act normal.
And I’d like to be your
friend. I’m a loner and don’t like to be around people much.
Love, Commander Sanni
Dear Commander Sanni,
Can you tell me what my
mission is in this lifetime? Secondly, what types of species have I been in
previous incarnations?
Regards, Colin
A: Dear Colin,
Your missions are many.
Most important is to be a worker and help the earth to learn peace instead of
war, and help your fellow humans evolve and unite as a force of light to
overthrow the darkness. As to your species, you were from a warrior species that
was an iguanoid type of lizard people that evolved in the Orion sector.
Love, Commander Sanni
Dear Sanni,
I have always had a
fascination for star beings. I feel drawn to them, although I don’t have any
conscious memory of any contact. On numerous occasions I have felt that I have
lived elsewhere, similar to Planet Earth, but not Planet Earth. Is this my
imagination running wild? Are you able to throw some light on this?
Many thanks.
With love, Hasanthi Kingsley
A: Dear Hasanthi,
The planet you recall memories from is in the Pleiades. Most the worlds in that
sector are Earth-like worlds with similar atmospheres and geological processes
that created Earth. These cellular memories within your DNA allow you to recall
other prior incarnations on the other world that is similar to Earth.
Love, Commander Sanni
Dear Commander,
Finding and listening to
you on YouTube was both heartbreaking and the most heartwarming experience in a
long time. Thank you so much for sharing, you were so brave, so courageous. I am
sorry that you suffered so much here, truly I am.
I have a few questions.
You seem to have answers to everything, so here goes:
Why do I meet with people
and situations that so obviously harm me, and what can I do to suffer less? I
frequently get attacked, abused and now my own dog bites me. It saddens me
greatly, he gets sad too when he realizes what he has done, but at the time he
really doesn’t seem to understand.
Where do I come from? I
do not feel at home with other humans. I would rather spend my time out in the
woods with my dogs, but I worry about the chemtrails and the pollution. What can
I do to help evolve mankind and the planet?
Best wishes, Marie
A: Dear Marie,
The reason your dog is attacking you is because he/she senses fear in you about
something as animals can sense fear and other things in your energies. Other
people you meet are testing you to prepare you to be a stronger person.
You’re Lyran. These humans from Lyra are nature dwellers and don’t interact well
with Terrans. You are blessed to have dogs and woods you can escape to.
You can help evolve mankind by being a steward to the earth, by helping to
conserve its biodiversity and educating others about how animals and nature are
interlinked to the future of humanity.
Love, Commander Sanni
Special Announcement!
have been archived in the Roswell UFO Museum.
Special thanks to Mara & David Edwards for their help with this accomplishment!
Commander Sanni Ceto’s two books, Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child, are available through or follow the link at
Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child are both now in ebook format at Amazon Kindle (for just $6.95).
If you have a question for Commander Sanni Ceto, please e-mail it to
and put “Ask ET” in the subject line. The Commander is happy to answer any and
all questions.
This page updated December 3, 2012
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