edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
© 2013 (all rights reserved)
An article from the April 2013 issue of
Crop circle tour with Barbara Lamb
Barbara Lamb is having
another Crop Circle Tour the end of July. She will guide you to Crop Circles in
England Monday, July 29 through Monday, Aug. 5, with your return to Heathrow
Airport. You are free to arrive in England earlier and stay later on your own,
if you wish, but the following plan is for the Land Package for her guided tour.
This group is limited to 8-16
persons plus two guides. Barbara has previously conducted groups of this size to
crop circles, and says it has worked out “beautifully and delightfully.”
Visiting crop circles, sacred sites, restaurants, shops, etc. in a small group
instead of a large group says to work better, she claims, sitting at the same
tables and riding in the same vehicles. “No one needs to miss the great
conversations and responses to all we will be experiencing, and the information
I will be sharing as we go along.” Cost for the tour is $1,600, which does not
include airplane tickets, lunches and dinners (they eat at nice country inns,
restaurants and pubs, and try to eat at places with reasonable prices); or
individual personal items.
Payment may be made by check,
money order or travelers check by May 15, 2013, payable to: Barbara Lamb, 1517
Marjorie Ave., Claremont, CA 91711. If you are seriously considering this tour,
contact Barbara as soon as possible Her email: is: barbara_lamb@verizon.net
Comments about The Gathering
Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle of Laramie, Wyo., had some comments about “The Gathering,” hosted by Larry Frascella, with arrangements by Ronnie Anderson et al, which took place in a suburb of Philadelphia last Nov. 15-18, 2012: “Marilyn and I arrived a day earlier so that hypnotic sessions could be arranged with some family members. Larry viewed his sessions as helpful in exploring possible other lives (POLs), so he wished to provide that opportunity to interested family members.
“The Gathering included astronomers, physicists, psychics, channelers, radio and TV hosts, film directors, representatives of Native tribes, as well as UFO researchers and ET experiencers. There were no formal presentations, but many opportunities for conversation.
“A brochure, with photos and bios, was presented to each participant, along with another booklet with many questions, about origin of Humankind, quantum physics, the nature of consciousness, the intent of extraterrestrials, etc.
“I was impressed with the quality as well as the quantity of participants. The Saturday night dinner, with more than 300 guests, included friends and family of Larry. I hope that The Gathering is another step in the journey to Disclosure of the Extraterrestrial Presence.” Dr. Sprinkle, a counseling psychologist, is world renowned and respected in the UFO community.
UFOs sighted before dawn over Florida
Lights in the sky before dawn on March 14, 2013 attracted the attention of
residents of Ocala. Reports flooded in of strange crafts buzzing homes in before
dawn. Both the Air Force and Navy said they weren’t performing any drills at
that time, although locals said they saw a group of helicopters flying around
the craft from about 150 feet off the ground. Fox News reported the incident and
interviewed Tariq Malik, managing editor of Space.com, who too quickly dismissed
the event as “special operations training missions” and nothing to be concerned
about. We’ve heard that one before.
Russia's exploding meteor hurts thousands
Russia meteor Feb. 15, 2013
In Chelyabinsk, Russia, a
meteor streaked through the skies above the Ural mountains region Friday
morning, Feb. 15, 2013, before it exploded with a flash and boom that shattered
glass in buildings and left hundreds of people hurt.
The Interior Ministry said
about 1,000 people had been hurt, including more than 200 children. The
state-run RIA Novosti news agency said the fireball was a 40-ton meteor from
outer space traveling at 33,000 mph. Most of those thousand who were hurt live
in the Chelyabinsk region, the news agency said. The vast majority of injuries
were not thought to be serious.
The meteor left a white streak
through the sky as the meteor’s vapor trail passed over the city. The national
space agency, Roscosmos, said, “Scientists believed one meteoroid had entered
the atmosphere, where it burned and disintegrated into fragments,” according to
RIA Novosti.
By noon on Feb. 15 (Russian
time), more than 725 people had sought medical help and hundreds more had minor
injuries. About 3,000 buildings sustained damage, mostly from broken glass, as a
result of the shock waves caused by the blast. Hospitals, kindergartens and
schools were among those affected.
Amateur video footage showed a
bright white streak moving rapidly across the sky, before exploding with an even
brighter flash and a deafening bang. The explosion occurred about 9:20 am local
time, when many people were out and about.
The Roscosmos, agency said
scientists believed one meteoroid had entered the atmosphere, where it burned
and disintegrated into fragments. The resulting meteorites were believed to have
scattered across three regions of Russia, one of them Chelyabinsk, as well as
neighboring Kazakhstan, the news agency said. One large chunk was discovered in
a lake in the Chelyabinsk region.
NASA estimates there are about
4,700 “potentially hazardous” asteroids near Earth. Friday’s Chelyabinsk meteor
came on the same day that a hefty asteroid passed by Earth at a pretty close
range, in space terms. Known as 2012 DA14, the asteroid is 45 meters long, about
half the length of a football field, but passed no closer than 17,100 miles
(27,700 kilometers) from our planet’s surface. It was inside the ring of weather
and communications satellites. The asteroid is about 180 feet (55 meters) in
Asteroids have hit Earth many
times. Four different cataclysms inflicted heavy destruction and worldwide
calamities on Earth. Numerous cultures remember four major floods followed by
mass migrations that were apparently related to asteroids passing close to
NASA’s Near-Earth Object
Program is trying to track down all asteroids and comets that could threaten
Earth. NASA says 9,672 near-Earth objects have been discovered. Every day,
“Earth is pummeled by more than 100 tons of material that spewed off asteroids
and comets.” Fortunately, most of the asteroid trash is tiny and it burns up
when it hits the atmosphere, creating meteors, or shooting stars. NASA says it’s
very rare for big chunks of space litter to hit Earth’s surface. Those chunks
are called meteorites.
NASA said on its Web site that
the Russian meteor was the largest reported since 1908, when the famous Tunguska
event took place in remote Siberia, entering the atmosphere and
exploded—leveling about 80 million trees, but leaving no crater.
(Source: Filer’s Files
#8-2013, Feb. 15, 2013)
This page updated April 23, 2013
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