edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
© 2013 (all rights reserved)
An article from the December 2013 issue of
'New Jerusalem' moves in
Has the New
Jerusalem mothership of the Ashtar Command moved closer to Earth? According
to a transcription by Ashtar/Athena on Nov. 4, 2013, at
http://disclosure-2012.com, the New Jerusalem has moved out of its
stationary place in front of the planet Venus. Many people claim to have seen
it -- "much brighter and obvious to the view of many" -- the "big city in the
I did not write down the date, but I did see something very bright in the sky to
the southeast one evening in early November. I looked at it through the living
room window with my binoculars, and it gave off red, blue and green colors. It
had not been there before that night, and it was not there in subsequent nights.
My guess is that I saw a ship.
UFO in Port Huron, Michigan
This report is from
Filer's Files #45-2013 (dated Nov. 7, 2013). The eyewitness states: "I saw
this object near my home on the night of Oct. 27, 2013, so I followed it down a
public dirt road. Then it turned, so I had to turn onto a private unmarked road
that ended."
The witness then got out of the vehicle to get a better view of the object.
"Suddenly, the object
started moving towards me," he said. "It startled me, so I ran like hell, as it
was making a very strange, low, swirling noise ... "
The witness zoomed out
the camera a bit more and noticed the object was "hovering directly over my
vehicle. Then it started to lower itself as it slowly rotated directly over my
roof! At that point, it appeared to be shining a very bright green beam over it.
Then suddenly, it shot straight up into the sky and the swirling sound
disappeared at the exact time it vanished. This was a very eerie experience and
even my hair was standing on end through the entire time and it felt as if there
was highly dense static electricity in the air!"
(Source: www.ufodaily.com)
Four strange lights in Minnesota
This report comes from White Bear Lake, Minn., and was included in Filer's
Files #45-2013.
Writes the witness: "Shortly after dark on Nov. 2, 2013, I was driving home
after hunting, and turned onto Bellaire Ave., and noticed what kind of looked
like street lights. They were in a Big Dipper-like formation. It looked strange
to me because they weren’t moving or flashing like most objects in the air. I
turned left onto Orchard Lane, and could see these objects in the south horizon.
A group of 6 to 8 objects hovered in formation and I saw a plane flying from the
general direction of the objects.
"I felt these may be
UFOs. I drove two blocks to my home, grabbed my wife and camera, and got some
pictures and video. We could only see a portion of the objects and took a few
pictures and video. After three minutes, the objects started to slowly fade to
darkness." (Thanks to MUFON CMS)
Alien craft sightings by astronauts
According to unconfirmed
reports, both Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin saw UFOs shortly after that
historic landing on the Moon in Apollo 11 on July 21, 1969. According to the
NASA astronaut Neil Armstrong, "The Aliens have a base on the Moon and they told
us in no uncertain terms to get off and stay off the Moon."
According to a former NASA
employee, Otto Binder, radio HAMs with their own VHF receiving facilities that
bypassed NASA's broadcasting outlets picked up the following exchange:
Apollo 11: "These 'Babies' are huge, sir! Enormous!"
"OH MY GOD! You wouldn’t
believe it!"
"I'm telling you there are
other spacecraft out there, lined up on the far side of the crater edge!"
"They're on the Moon watching
(Source: Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ,
www.worldufophotos.org, and
Filer’s Files #44-2013, dated Nov. 2, 2013)
Niara's new book

"Facing the Shadow,
Embracing the Light: A Journey of Spirit Retrieval and Awakening is done,”
writes Niara Terela Isley about her newly released book. "I'm happy, excited,
exhausted, relieved and feeling about a 1,000 feelings I can't even put a name
to." She says she wrote the book to help others who have been traumatized in
similar ways, and to raise awareness about this type of abuse. It was also for
her "own healing" and to help UFO researchers and to educate the mainstream
Comet Ison
Astrophotographer Mike Hankey
sent Space.com this 60-second x RGB composite image of Comet ISON taken on Nov.
14, 2013. For more information on the comet, visit www.space.com/topics/comet-ison/.
The book consists of three
parts and is 530 pages (paperback) and can be purchased for $22 at Create Space
(www.createspace.com/4493162). To learn more about Niara and her
experiences, visit www.encounterswithhealing.com or go to
Filer’s Files is a worthwhile
deal that lands in your email inbox every week. To subscribe to these UFO
reports, email George Filer for information at Majorstar@verizon.net.
This page updated December 7, 2013
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