The Golden Age
through Linda Maupin
An article from the October 2013 issue of THE STAR BEACON
New tools for these times
Chandara, I have noticed that I have felt nervous and on edge physically, and
yet cannot find a reason for it.
Remember, that the intensity of the light frequencies continued to increase.
Just when you physically become accustomed to the frequencies, more enters the
body. This can lead to feelings of being off balance. You are struggling with
your equilibrium. This includes the physical, mental and emotional body. When
you are still, you can often sense a physical vibration in the body.
Know that
nothing is the same as it was in your recent past. You cannot draw on your past
to find tools that you need to apply to your life right now. For instance, in
the past when you felt physical nervousness, it meant that your emotional body
was out of balance, being a result of events and your thoughts.
In the past you had tools that you used to soothe your emotions, and the
physical body would soon calm down. Because you live in polarity, as more light
is drawn to you, the dark also becomes more visible.
But it is not the same. This is a totally different paradigm, and you have
nothing to compare it with. In other words, new issues now need to be dealt with
differently. Old archaic paradigms are obsolete.
Many lightworkers, wayshowers, indigos, and starseeds are ultra-sensitive. With
the added frequency changes, and access to higher fields, you can easily be
thrown off balance at times by frequency surges.
Many of you are so empathic that you cannot differentiate your feelings from
another's. Each day more and more people are awakening and many are feeling
fear, pain and despair. This energy is amplified as people are sensing
tremendous change.
Some tools still work, such as deep breathing, and meditation, which still the
thoughts and center you. Living and breathing from the heart center keeps the
vibrational field stable, and helps those in the nonphysical to blend with your
frequencies so you can experience a calmer perspective.
Water also has an electro-magnetic quality and helps calm the emotions as the
body rids itself of the old dimensional waste.
Some are experiencing extreme fatigue and physical ailments and they need to
sleep much more than usual. For others like yourself, physical exercise helps to
burn off the dross.
When you feel tired and nervous, mentally merge with your soul self in the heart
area and breathe deeply. Feel your heart expand as the inner joy of your being
is experienced.
If your mind is overexcited, imagine connecting with other lightworkers across
the planet. Send them love, peace and joy. Imagine the light grid lighting up as
you all mentally connect.
You can also imagine a place where you can go in your mind that will be a
sanctuary for you. Some like to imagine a crystal palace as a sanctuary, where
they can mentally go to rest. Put anything in your palace that soothes and
comforts you.
Remember that many emotions that you are feeling are not your own, but are
currently being experienced in the collective unconscious. You can create a
cocoon of love around yourself. Merge your consciousness with your heart area.
As your heart opens and you feel the love that you are, imagine this love energy
circling your entire body. As it spins, it is creating a beautiful crystalline
web of love/light around your body from head to toe.
The spinning of these light filaments creates a soothing physical lullaby. They
create a chrysalis, a safe place for the body to reside.
With this light cocoon around you, you have better control in what is allowed
in, and what is allowed to stay in your physical field. Practice this before
sleep, and you will awaken in a better mental and physical place.
— Chandara
This page updated October 10, 2013
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