The Meaning of It All
© 2013 (all rights reserved)
An article from the June 2013 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
Springtime in the Rockies
Springtime in the Rockies can be a real challenge. I grew up in Wisconsin,
where you could count on Spring happening in March or April. The snow melted,
the birds arrived with their colorful songs, and the trees began to bud. The
plum tree in our front yard, when I was growing up, was a sight to behold with
its rich blossoms and sweet fragrance. I loved birdsong from an early age and
eventually became an avid birdwatcher.
When I moved to Colorado in the late '70s, I saw that Spring is fickle. Here in
the mountains you can’t count on Spring arriving on time … or staying for very
long. Winter keeps butting in, and the warmer weather may not occur until
mid-May or later. I recall one year when we had a snowstorm in June. Here in Pagosa Springs, if you try to put anything into the ground before June 1st,
besides root vegetables, it may freeze. Even then, it's a gamble whether your
tomatoes are going to have enough of a summer season to survive the cold nights.
I love Spring and the changes that take place in Nature. I love how everything
gets renewed and suddenly growing things sprout buds, flowers and green grass.
Fruit trees erupt into pastel displays and honeybees flit around as dandelions
pop up everywhere. We grow excited when the first tulips burst through the snow
and the first robin arrives on the scene. This year the hummingbirds came around
May 1st… and I was ready for them, for once.
This year I put bird feeders up in Doug's front yard. I’m grateful that he let
me do this because I love birds and need something I can nurture. We were
excited when the first birds came and flocked around the feeders. I had
literally hundreds of pine siskins and other small birds. I also had the Lewis
woodpecker, evening and black-headed grosbeaks, pygmy nuthatches and chickadees.
But then the
"junk birds" intruded. By this I mean the crows, magpies and
brown-headed cowbirds arrived in droves and hogged all the feed. The word had
gotten out -- it's a "free-for-all" at 195 Sundown Circle! We ran outside, waving
our arms and driving them away. It was futile, of course. I finally had to
resign myself to the fact that the "junk birds" are God's creatures too, and I
needed to drop the judgment regarding which birds would be allowed at my feeders
and which were not. There really are no "junk birds" … just my own prejudice,
and my own belief as to which species are "good" and which are not.
But judgment isn't what I want to write about today. I want to talk about change
The changing of the seasons … that is what this is about. Change is always in
the air, but in Spring and Fall we notice it more. Knowing that there is a
Summer ahead makes Springtime a joy. What would it be like to not have any
change in our lives? We'd be stuck. We'd be bored. We'd go crazy. That's what I
think I would do, at least. I've always reveled in the changes occurring in my
life … as I do now.
At this time I am in a transition period. There is a fair amount of stability in
my life, but more change is in the near future, at least as far as where it is I
am going to reside. After living more than three decades in Colorado, I will be
leaving it soon to go experience life in the Pacific Northwest. Over the past 35
years I have moved around from one place to another and change in residence is
nothing new to me.
The other changes happening in the world influence
all of us.
Mother Nature is changing our earth, of course, and there is little we can do
about this. There are also political events that have a lot of people stirred up
and embroiled in controversy.
For a long time I have toyed with the idea of
starting a blog about my personal take on these observations, but I wanted it to
be anonymous. I suppose this desire came about because when I did speak up about
some political stuff in the Beacon, some readers who did not agree with me grew
upset. Never mind that there were also readers who concurred. Because I didn';t
like the criticism, I vowed never to do that again in these pages, which are --
after all -- meant for spiritual growth and not as a venue for political
We are facing a difficult time in history. Our world appears to be really
screwed up. The politicians are either arrogant, tyrannical and demagogues, or
they are spineless, apathetic and concerned only about their own careers. It's
enough to drive the citizens of their countries crazy. No wonder a lot of the
younger generation have dismissed all of these goings-on and keep their noses in
their iPods, androids and tablets, instead of paying attention to what will
critically affect their own futures. Unfortunately, ignoring the problems will
not cause them to go away. If you aren't paying attention to what is going on
around you, then you are part of the problem.
Embracing change can be a good thing. But it depends upon what kind of change it
is. As light workers we naturally want to embrace a more peaceful, compassionate
world. We want to see the downtrodden emerge from the gutters and live more
productive lives. What we forget is that the universe works by its own rules. No
one dictator is going to magically transform our unbalanced world into a fair
shot for all. It simply doesn't work that way. Earth is the place we have come
to learn hard lessons, to balance ourselves in relationship to others, and
become more spiritual in our ascension.
So now I have decided to start my blog on line -- separate from this publication
-- and I will use my name and I will stand up for what I believe in. (Maybe I'll
announce my new blog in the next issue.) There may be those who challenge my
views … but so be it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should have the
right to express it -- and not be ashamed to include their name. There comes a
point in time when we must speak our truth.
Nobody promised it was going to be an easy ride. We may have forgotten before we
got here, but we came here knowing the odds … that change would happen, and
frequently … and that nothing stays the same. It's called living. It's called
being human. We make mistakes because that is the way we learn … by making
mistakes and then having the choice to rectify our mistakes, or exacerbate them.
In either case, we learn from them in order to become better people.
Judgment is another big lesson, but I'll save that for another day. I will put
up with the cowbirds, crows and magpies because they have their purpose as well.
For that matter, even the rogue leaders and politicians in our world have their
But as far as Spring goes, embracing change and allowing with love is what it is
all about.
by Doug Elmore
This page updated May 30, 2013
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