The Meaning of It All
© 2013 (all rights reserved)
An article from the August 2013 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
Feeling the Shift
by Doug Elmore
Have you noticed that things feel differently now that we’re in
2013? I mean… not just a little bit … I mean BIG TIME. Maybe we didn't expect
everything to be quite the way it is now, but there's no denying it. There's
been a shift and we are continuing to experience this shift. And guess what?
It's not a bad thing.
Ascension "symptoms" I've been experiencing this year include
needing more sleep, for one thing … and vivid, dramatic, exciting dreams.
Sometimes the curtain between dream world and reality is pretty thin. My most
intriguing dreamtime happens in the hours just after dawn.
Other things I've noticed include an increase in weather intensity
(and climate change), body discomfort that seems to have no cause (including
weight gain), mood swings and emotional storms over trivial things in my daily
There seems to be a lot of "energy" around us that wreaks havoc at
times. Lately we've had more of this kind of activity than what I would call
normal. I'd rather not go into specifics. But … something here in Colorado wants
our attention. At least it seems that way.
Weird, annoying and
unexplained things happen to us daily. It's getting to the point where we just
shrug it off as "the entity" and try to overlook the fact that perhaps some
spirit is messing with us.
I am not afraid of a negative entity trying to disrupt my life. My philosophy is
to pour out all the love I can stand … and watch it dissipate.
Here's an example of a useful method
for finding those "misplaced" items that "gremlins" are usually blamed for ...
Recently I needed to transfer a file on my computer to the computer in Doug's
garage, which is not connected to the network. The old computer has the Adobe
Acrobat program that I need to create PDF files, and my mainframe's Acrobat
program rarely works (perhaps the entity's doing?).
Anyway, I needed my thumb drive to
transfer the file from one computer to the other, and darn it … I couldn't find
I searched in all the likely places. Nothing. It was late and I was tired, so
rather than worry about it and get all riled up and frustrated, I told myself,
“I’m sure I’ll find it tomorrow. If not, I’ll just go out and buy another thumb
drive.” Then I went to bed.
In the morning I pulled out my
pendulum and decided to give it a whirl. Well, why not? It couldn't do any harm.
I really didn't expect to find my thumb drive at all, because I was afraid it
had dropped out of my purse when I had taken it to the print shop a day or so
earlier for them to retract a file … because the Internet was down (another
trick by an entity?). Anyway, back to the pendulum …
Starting in my office, I got into a
meditative state -- a grateful, prayerful mood -- and quietly asked Spirit if It would
help me find the thumb drive. It said "yes." I asked if it was in this room.
"No." I moved into the living room and asked again. "No." I moved into the
bedroom and asked. "No." I moved into the garage. "No."
Finally, I stood in the dining area
next to the kitchen, positive now that I had lost the item because it couldn't
possibly be in the dining area as I had searched it thoroughly many times,
including my purse, which was sitting on the table.
I asked the pendulum one last time:
"Is my thumb drive in here?" YES!! Good grief … it felt like it was, too!
I immediately fished around among the table clutter, then rested my eyes one
more time on that purse. I carry a little backpack, and even though I'd been
through every pouch and flap at least three times, I had forgotten to check the
little mesh pocket on the side. Sure enough! There was my thumb drive!
Wow! It worked. I was so pleased …
and it proved to me once again that Spirit is here to help us when we need the
help. All we have to do is ask. If it is for the highest good, the answer will
be given.
Things continue to feel different as
time goes on. We are all moving along just as we should, and we are becoming
more spiritual, whether we know it or not. We have lots of help from our guides
and those who have moved on before us. They love us and they want us to do well
and to be happy. It's really quite comforting to me to know this.
At a time when the world is still
precarious and all kinds of negative things are going on, I've felt secure and
sure of my future … and it excites me to think about what lies ahead.
As most of you know, Doug and I are
getting ready to move to Washington state. In fact, we are leaving on a "scout"
trip to find a house right after this issue is done.
My next newsletter will be coming out
of Washington state, with a different address (which we don't know yet). Next
time I will write about my new life in the Pacific Northwest. I can hardly wait.
This page updated August 4, 2013
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