The Meaning of It All

© 2013 (all rights reserved)

An article from the October 2013 issue of THE STAR BEACON.

Time to Quit Whining

Photo by Doug Elmore

Sometimes reality gets in the way of our dreams. Have you noticed? Well, as you probably noticed on the return address sticker, I'm still in Colorado … and still in Pagosa Springs, as a matter of fact.
Yes, I did say in the last issue that I was moving and that I’d have a different address the next time the Beacon came out. But I was wrong. It didn’t happen.
The trip we took to Washington's Olympic Peninsula in August did not result in a new home for us. There were plenty of rentals to see, for sure, and we looked … but none of them were right. And finally we had to give up and come home.
Sometimes things don't work out the way we think they should. Other factors in life intrude and the result is disappointment, a sense of failure and perhaps a bit of anger and resentment.
On the one hand, we spent a bunch of money taking a three-week trip that we have nothing to show for. But on the other hand, we didn't have to pay out five times that amount to hire a moving van, or three times that amount to secure a house rental that would not have been up to our standards.
So … where does this leave us? Stuck? Depressed? Sometimes it feels that way.
But then I look around me, and what do I see? We came home to a Colorado that was green after weeks of rain, and the fall wildflowers are absolutely stunning this year. We didn't hire anyone to care for our flowers or tomato garden, but with the wonderful rainfall while we were gone, everything was doing just great, and despite the deer nibbling a few plants here and there, everything is okay.
My biggest regret is that I have a hard time accepting my disappointment after my heart was set on moving to beautiful Washington state. I had put so much energy and enthusiasm into that dream.
But the truth is, everything is as it should be ... for the moment. After all, don't I have a lot to be thankful for? Pushing worldly events aside ... including an economy that really sucks and a housing market that just isn't improving … I don't understand why I can't be happy with what I've got!
After all, we do have a small, but nice house to live in. We are able to pay all of our bills. Oh sure, there are those few aches and pains that come with growing older, but I'm a pretty healthy gal for my age, and I've taken up regular exercise and feel empowered by my newfound discipline.
There are so many people who are much, much worse off than we are. And let's not forget, there are other people who feel stuck, wanting to move on to whatever their dreams are ... and, for one reason or another, just can't. Perhaps I was being too impatient. When the time is right, the house will sell and we will be able to try again.
As my dear star sister, Adona, said in her letter to me, "We will prevail. We will survive. We will live life to the fullest, to the best of our abilities."
Her words reminded me of what I know is true in my heart:
"Dear Star Sister," she writes, "My heart goes out to you as you go through these challenging days. You are not alone in this experience. Many of us, including me, are going through the financial and physical challenges these days.
"I had a vision back in 1987 that the future years would not be easy years for many of the Earth's peoples. I have foreseen the financial strifes and the governmental shutdowns to control the monetary system and the lives of the people everywhere. It is coming to fulfillment at this time.
"But, the good news of my vision in 1987 is that people are pulling together as one family helping each other through these difficult days ahead. It does not matter if they are of biological families or not. Every human soul comes together in the most difficult situations with hope, faith, and the willingness to provide for each other in order to survive the coming events.
"Your newsletter will go on. Your gifted abilities to provide the wonderful, inspiring and life-sharing information gives our readers hope for their future and comfort in their own lives that they are not alone in their new spiritual awareness of what they are experiencing in their own lives.
"My love goes out to you -- Adona"

My partner lives in a world of reality. I more or less live in a world of dreams. Where would I be without my dreams? Where would any of us be? Without dreams, life becomes dull and hopeless. I refuse to go there. But reality has landed on my doorstep, and now I have no choice but to face it. And face it I will. I'm going to quit whining and pursue my dreams with reality at my side.
Most of my life I've been lucky and had things fall right into place. Sometimes it was uncanny. But apparently there is some important lesson here for me to learn before my dream can be fulfilled.
"It will happen when the time is right," my friends all tell me. My special psychic friend Robin has told me, "Don't worry, your house will find you." Now that's an intriguing thought!
If you are struggling with the "ickiness" in this world, just remember all of the wonderful things you do have in your life. Once I start naming them and counting them, life begins to look very bright. It's that "attitude of gratitude" mantra that really does lift your spirits.
Inspired by Tom T. Moore's "Gentle Way," I have just requested a "Most Benevolent Outcome!"




This page updated October 10, 2013


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