Book Review
© 2013 (all rights reserved)
An article from the October 2013 issue
An indepth ET 'primer' for
First Contact, Conversations with an ET
by Tom T. Moore
ISBN 978-1-62233-004-1, 2013
Light Technology Publishing, P.O. Box
3540, Flagstaff, AZ 86003
190 pages, paperback, $15.95
Review by Ann Ulrich Miller
Want to read a book about UFOs and
ETs that is refreshingly new and exciting? Then meet Antura!
Tom T. Moore, author of The Gentle
Way books and a weekly blog with that name (whose Q & A has also appeared
regularly in TSB for the last couple of years), has come out with his new
book, First Contact, in which he records his conversations with an
amphibian humanoid by the name of Antura, who is from Sirius-B (predominantly a
water world).
The contact began, as Tom explains in
chapter one, in July 2008, and the questions he asked and received answers to
span over the course of five years. Those who follow Tom's blog will see that
his communications with Antura are ongoing.
Having telepathic contact with a
being on another planet is something most people cannot grasp because it is
outside of their personal experience. But this book is easy to read and keeps
you enthralled throughout with all the many subjects Tom and Antura cover, to
answer those questions we’ve all wondered about.
You will learn how telepathic contact is possible with ETs, and how the first
public contact is scheduled by the Pleiadians in 2015, followed by a "first
contact" team that will arrive in 2017 from Sirius-B.
Ever wondered how beings can traverse the universe in such a short time? "Portal
hopping" is explained and is what the ETs use to get around.
The translation devices for every planet's languages enable the different races
to communicate without language barriers, and Antura explains how this works.
He also gives the history of the "real war between galaxies" and about the
federation of 200 planets that Earth will soon join. These are just a few of the
topics covered in this fascinating book.
Before he even gets into the meaty part of this work, Tom T. Moore explains
about how, 15 years ago, he began experimenting with most benevolent outcomes (MBOs),
which is the basis of his books dealing with The Gentle Way. About MBOs, Tom
says, "It is the best modality I've ever found to reduce stress and fear and put
you on an easier path in life." Most people who have tried it will say that MBOs
work better than the Law of Attraction.
I just want to share a couple of Antura's answers that I found intriguing.
In the chapter titled "The Federation of Planets," Antura explains how Earth has
something of importance to contribute once we are included. "...Your Explorer
Race has made great progress in an area that everyone else has failed at --
with negativity. And though that sounds simple to you, I can assure you it is
not, my friend. You will introduce games and small amounts of negativity, as you
have already been told that will cause all of the societies you encounter to
begin growth again. You will be the catalysts of the universe.”
I was astounded to learn that Earth is unique in that it is the only planet that
is "veiled," meaning the occupants have no recall of their past lives or soul
experiences on other planets, and also that Earth is the only planet that has
been able to "deal with" negativity.
"You're truly the only planet that's ever been able to do this," explains Antura.
"So we might have our great inventions and all, but the one thing we have not
been able to do is what you're doing on a daily basis on your planet --
working with this energy in massive amounts. You will teach us how to do this
And suddenly it makes sense to me. This is why Earth is a gem in the universe
and why so many ETs are interested in us, even though we reside on the outer
limits of the Milky Way galaxy.
The chapter on "Timelines" baffled me, I must admit. Tom, through Antura,
explains how this works, but the closest I can interpret about timelines is what
we've called "parallel lives" with our soul fragments that merge into one soul
A whole chapter is devoted to "Portals," which I found to be one of the most
fascinating information. But I'll leave that for you to discover on your own.
I'm sure you will agree with me, once you've read First Contact, that you'll
feel like you've had a full semester course in ET Relations.
I hope Tom will come out with a second book like this in the near future.
This page updated October 10, 2013
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