Book Reviews
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An article from the April 2013 issue
Psychic readings with famous
heavenly residents and ... learning how to become a Cosmic Citizen
Psychic Readings With the
Thinkers of Heaven
by John and Martha McGinnis
(2012), 377 pages
eBook $2.99 (Kindle)
Review by Ann Ulrich Miller
If you would like to learn what some famous figures in history who are beyond the grave have to tell us, you’ll enjoy the interesting conversations that come through Martha McGinnis with the help of her husband, John, in this new book, Psychic Readings with the Thinkers of Heaven, currently available as an eBook. John McGinnis is a lawyer by profession. His wife, Martha, is a business woman with a gift of communication with Spirit.
They have chosen to ask some selected figures out of history to give us insights and answers to questions in an interview fashion. The McGinnises record their interviews with such historical figures as Albert Einstein, Jesus of Nazareth, Carl Jung, Guatama Buddha, Plato, Abraham Lincoln, Daniel Boone, Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Mary Baker Eddy, William Shakespeare, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Galileo, Moses... and many others just as famous and important. There are more than 30 in all.
Each chapter is a separate interview with John asking the questions and the spirit of the person telling their opinions, their thoughts and explanations through the mediumship of Martha. It makes for a fascinating read.
“We did not believe any such thing was possible,” says John. They had read an earlier book about psychic readings and decided to give it a try, using the meditation techniques summarized in the final chapter of their book.
“The people we spoke to during our readings told us that the veil between heaven and Earth is now thinning as part of a process of planetary evolution, making it easier to communicate with the residents of heaven.” Even God himself comes through.
“Our conversations with the great thinkers and God himself have taught us that life on Earth is just a learning experience,” adds John. “Earth is a stage for dramatic events, but not an ultimate reality. No soul is ever lost, no love is ever lost.”
Evolution through Contact:
Becoming a Cosmic Citizen
by Don Daniels (2012)
ETC Books
Evergreen, Colorado
As a commercial airline pilot, Don
Daniels steps bravely out of the mainstream into disclosure with his book,
Evolution through Contact, in which he writes about his experiences with Dr.
Steven Greer and CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence),
initiated by his curiosity and desire to contact beings from beyond this world.
Unlike most pilots, who would choose
to remain silent about UFOs and ET contact, Daniels wants people to know that
such contact is an important step in our society toward progressing not only as
a species but in bringing forth important, suppressed technology and wisdom to
benefit humankind. In his book he tells of his journey toward awareness and
understanding, and inserts humor, inspirational tales and commentary, along with
his own poetry. The book is well documented with footnotes and has an index in
the back so the reader can do more exploring on their own.
If you’ve ever wanted to know what
it’s like to be in communication with ETs, or what occurred behind the scenes at
the Disclosure Project that was presented at the National Press Club in May
2001, this book provides answers. Daniels took part in the 2001 Disclosure
presentation in Washington, D.C. His book also covers the misunderstood Condon
Report, what you should do if you are “psychotronically” attacked, and how to
prepare yourself for ET contact, among other subjects, such as out-of-body
In his Preface, Daniels explains how
the book started out as a simple “how-to” for preparing yourself for your own ET
contact experiences. He wanted to suggest some ways to attempt initiation of
contact. It soon developed into a treatise on becoming a Cosmic Citizen. Of
course it is up to each individual whether they wish to personally ascend or
else remain in the familiar fear-based world of separation and limited
consciousness. Many continue to sleep, unaware of the epic decisions we face.
Daniels’ book tells about many of his
personal experiences. He had an early interest in things that flew -- which
included paper airplanes, balsa wood gliders, rubber-band powered planes, kites,
model airplanes and radio-controlled airplanes. He writes:
“My first thoughts that I remember
about UFOs and Extraterrestrials were in the 6th grade. I had a rather boring
teacher, and when I wasn’t challenging her on some point of scientific fact, the
environment tended to foster my tendency to daydream. One of my common daydreams
was of a flying saucer landing on the schoolyard, and my going out to meet the
occupants. I thought that would be very cool, and I don't recall ever having any
fear about such an encounter.
“I don’t know what prompted this
daydream other than having a father who was rather open-minded and discussed
such issues and possibilities as UFOs with us. I suppose it is possible that I
had some earlier contact, either on a physical or telepathic level, but to this
date I have no conscious memory of such.”
He tells about how, in junior high,
he started flying “real airplanes,” taking some formal lessons in his father’s
Cessna 206 when he was 14. “This was so that I would be a more fully qualified
co-pilot on family trips and be able to land the plane myself if the need ever
arose. I knew from even that time that I wanted to be a professional pilot, and
my life and education were centered upon that goal.”
On his 16th birthday (the youngest
you can solo a powered plane), Daniels got up early, rode his bicycle to the
airport, and went flying with his instructor. The weather cooperated, and on
February 26, 1968 the instructor got out and he took flight alone for the first
As his aviation progressed, Daniels
grew aware through some of his friends that exploration of the paranormal --
either UFOs or mystical studies—would impede his aviation career progression. He
writes, “While I still read the occasional book on the subject, I kind of put it
all on the back burner for a while.” He got a job as a flight instructor in
Oakland, California. His new wife, Terry, “quickly got bored sitting around the
apartment, so she signed up for the Aircraft Mechanics School at the College of
Alameda. I was about to learn that whenever this gal took on a challenge like
that, she went after it with uncommon passion.”
Working out of the Oakland Airport
for several years, the Danielses occasionally drove past the Rosicrucian Order
buildings and their magnificent Egyptian Museum in San Jose, California. “We
wondered what it was all about,” writes Daniels, “but never stopped in. This was
the time a number of cults were active in the area, and I just didn’t know what
was what. We didn’t want to get sucked into some cult that sounded good at
first, and then pulled you in deeper and deeper. Besides, it would not mix well
with my professional career. Again, I put mystical inquiry on the back burner
due to career and peer pressures, but I still had this strange longing for
answers that never went away.”
It was years later, when he made the
mystic connection. Daniels was working as a Boeing 727 flight engineer in San
Francisco. “During the first year I flew a few times with a really
outside-the-box captain,” he explains. “This guy was a real free spirit with a
subtle wry sense of humor. He would shovel all kinds of crazy stuff at me, and I
would just heap it right back at him. We got along famously, much to the
bewilderment of the co-pilots.
“One day, while flying between
Yellowstone and Jackson Hole, he dared me to explain to the passengers how the
Grand Tetons got their name. … I declined, since I was still on probation, and
instead handed him the PA. He chickened out and gave the passengers the straight
spiel instead, ‘Off to our left you can see Yellowstone Lake, and off to the
right Jackson Lake and the Grand Tetons.’ If you have ever seen the movie Space
Invaders, Captain Jack had to have been the character study for the Martian
pilot Blaznee. He had that kind of personality.
“On one layover the whole crew went
across the street to dinner at a place called Gaylin’s Ribs, and one of the
flight attendants asked Jack about his ring. He said that it was a Rosicrucian
Ring. My radar went right up, and as soon as I could get him alone, I was
pumping him for information about the Rosicrucian Order.
“Well, this sounded like what I had
been searching for so long, and my interest was renewed. Later that month we had
a Spokane layover, so we planned for my wife to meet us all for dinner. Jack
brought along his girlfriend (now wife) and we talked about the Rosicrucian
Order all evening. To make a long story short, Terry and I wound up joining and
it has been a fascinating mystical study ever since.”
Why is the Rosicrucian Order
important to the UFO story? Daniels explains that, among other things, they
taught him to be open-minded and to consider a multitude of different viewpoints
on subjects that sometimes go against popular opinion. He writes, “I also came
full circle in another way. Since I was flying out of San Francisco, I often
visited the Rosicrucian Park and the magnificent Egyptian Museum in San Jose
that I had looked at from the outside and been drawn to all those years before.”
He was also reviving his interest in
UFOs and even wanted to get involved in UFO/ET investigation and research. There
was an awful lot of disinformation and just plain confusion going on in the
field, so he wanted to find out who was reputable.
“One of the Rosicrucian members was
also a member of MUFON (Mutual UFO Network),” he writes, “and he gave me some
literature, but it just didn’t feel quite right to me at the time, so I kept
“Several years later, after we had
moved to Colorado, my wife noticed that a Dr. Steven Greer was going to be
speaking on UFOs in my town the following week. I checked my schedule and found
I could just make it if I got back from my trip on time. Bone tired from several
days on the road, I dragged myself down to the evening lecture and in just an
hour or so Dr. Greer tied together almost all the loose ends that I had been
trying to put together for so many years.”
Daniels says that everything just
suddenly fit, the “why” became obvious, and he knew that this Dr. Greer was onto
something. “Right away I started making plans to attend the CSETI Ambassadors to
the Universe training that summer. I didn’t know how I was going to do it as I
had no summer vacation that year, but I finally just made the commitment, sent
in my application, and trusted it would work out.”
Daniels had his first UFO sighting on
that CSETI outing with Steven Greer in 1999, which he relates early in the book
and discusses in more detail in his “Paradigm Shift” chapter. He tells of the
remote viewing that took place, and how this experience changed his life.
One of the most fascinating chapters
in Daniels’ book talks about his encounter with Tashina (or “Sara 5”), an ET
among us. She claims to be “from an unnamed 5th Dimensional world,” he writes,
“and now says she is Arcturian.” He originally gave her the pseudonym “Sarah 5”
due to her similarity to the heroine in Mark Kimmel’s Trillion trilogy. “She has
since asked that I use her spiritual name Tashina in the book instead,” he
explains. This woman and other intriguing acquaintances he meets in the flesh
are spine-tingling and inspirational confirmation that ETs are among us.
This book relates many of the
author’s personal experiences, but the journey is really more about the reader.
There are many suggestions and concepts offered that should help you move
towards Cosmic Citizenship. After reading the book, you will feel transformed.
This page updated April 23, 2013
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