Results of Star Beacon Spring Survey
An article from the AUGUST 2013 issue of THE STAR BEACON
spring The Star Beacon sent out a Reader Survey, which several of you
responded to (thank you). These surveys help us evaluate content and
design of the newsletter and suggest ways how to best provide what our
readership wants.
Roughly one fourth of the readership
sent back surveys to help us decide which topics you prefer and what we can do
without. It was interesting to note that one third of respondents were between
the ages of 41 and 60, while two thirds were over age 61. No one under 40
Educational demographics show that
one fourth the respondents had a high school education, while one third had some
college. Those with bachelor's degrees comprised 5 percent while those with
master's or higher degrees comprised 15 percent.
There were 85 percent who absolutely
believe in UFOs and 5 percent who investigate them. Forty percent say they had
ET contact while almost 15 percent say they were abducted, and 11 percent said
they were in regular communication with ETs.
Over half the respondents believe
they came to Earth on a mission while 37 percent believe they are ETs or
hybrids. One fourth admitted they are just curious and want to learn more.
When asked to rate their
spirituality level, 63 percent said they considered themselves to be very
spiritual, whereas 15 percent said they were somewhat spiritual, and 3 percent
want to be.
The most important topic to readers of The Star Beacon is not a surprise -- UFOs! ET technology and ET cultural aspects were next important, followed by paranormal mysteries and abductees and contactees. Disclosure was important, followed by ascension, investigative reports, meditation and out-of-body, with a high regard for reader's opinions being expressed.
Next on the importance of topics were government cover-ups, scientific advancements, ET messages and channelings, Bigfoot, health and diet. Cartoons and humor were next, followed by sustainable living and environmental issues. UFO history, along with ghosts and contact beyond the grave, were not as important to respondents, nor were conferences or workshops. Political opinions were the lowest rated (no surprise there).
Next, readers rated columns that have been running regularly in The Star Beacon as to whether they were excellent, good or poor, with "no opinion" also an option. The most popular column is DISC-ussion/UFOs, followed by "The Meaning of It All" (editor's monthly ramblings!). They also liked John Cali's "Conversations With Spirit," Cosmic Book Review, News Tidbits and Sanni Ceto's "Commander's Star Base." These were the highest rated columns.
Some did not like channeled information, but others did. To my chagrin (or perhaps relief!), most respondents did not care for the UFO crossword that I struggled to compose for each issue. Therefore, the crossword has been scrapped.
Of those who responded, most wanted more channeled articles, most wanted more astrology, and most everyone wanted more UFO news reports. They also opted for more technical and scientific articles. Reader's Forum was popular, and so were inspirational articles and personal stories and experiences, along with "nuts and bolts" UFO stories and more on space brothers and sisters. They were also interested in Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal kids.
Fiction (such as the Sci-Fi classics we ran in 2012) were not popular at all. One reader commented, "I don’t like old stories like 'The Time Machine,' when they take up room and there is so much of interest to put in that same space!"
Well, I couldn't agree more. That same writer said, "I'd like to read children's spiritual fiction. There are children with a lot to say in a spiritual sense. Stories are a good way to spread that information and plant seeds. Adult readers have experiences they can share in a fictional or non-fiction format."
The Star Beacon went from a monthly publication to six times a year at the start of 2012. This change was necessary to keep the newsletter going with the high costs of printing and mailing. A slight drop in subscriptions, due to the slump in our economy, was not helping either. We asked readers whether they liked it better as a monthly. Several did, but most were satisfied with every other month and most said the size was just fine (24 pages). One person wrote: "I can hardly wait for it to arrive -- and am not concerned about monthly or bimonthly. Just so that it arrives."
Probably the most helpful information from doing reader surveys is the feedback. Here are some things that the respondents liked best:
"It contains things I am involved in and extremely hungry to know more about."
"I like everything about TSB. I like the puzzle too."
"I enjoy the DISC-ussions and John Cali best, and book reviews. I like that you put in your newsletter both sides/opinions."
"Knowing others believe in the same things I believe in."
"Practical information: earthquakes, etc. Information, open discussion regarding our space kinfolk."
"I enjoy the diversity of your articles."
"Messages from other contactees, life experiences, pictures, sharing knowledge and wisdom with each other."
"It is innovative, progressive -- 'ahead of its time.' Perfect, if there is such a thing."
"Size, format, use of color, all Sanni's contributions. Really nicely done overall."
"A few disclosures not found in usual alternative media sources. A wide range of topics."
"Spiritual, positive, others' experiences, laughter, UFOs."
More comments
"May we all share Love and Light. And may ET/ET Disclosure occur soon. Both the ET presence and the energy technology. Abducted: taken from Earth. Adducted: taken toward the Stars."
"There are some who live with a very narrow view of life. Then again, some live long enough to finally allow expansion and freedom. That's me. I'm old now and I'm enjoying life more completely or fully than ever before. It is in the heartfelt ideas and words as found in The Star Beacon that assists in this expansion. It is the food for my mind and soul that I seek. Much thanks!!"
"I am not only here on Planet Earth to awaken star seed, but also to help keep trees, flowers, vegetables and all creatures safe. We do not own planet Earth, we are the caretakers of Earth. Our most important goal is to also spread love and faith and trust and to spread our praise and love and thanks to our Creators, Admiral Yahweh and Commander Yeshua, also known as Jesus, and also respect them. Just because we do not see them does not mean they are not real."
"Don't like channeling, quizes or sci-fi."
"I'd like to read about Native Americans' involvement with ETs, Steven Greer's ET work, and I'd like to read children's spiritual fiction."
"I am very grateful for the connection through your publication. I appreciate the entire publication."
"I do not like fear-based articles! I prefer positive articles that promote love, reassurance, encouragement and healings to all life. The readers, nowadays, are hungry for knowledge beyond this physical earth plane. I have noticed on Pal Talk and blogtalk radio interviews that people are interested in knowing more about where they are from (star systems) and connect with other contactees that are awakened to help these people walk through their life experiences, and learn more about how to help Earth and humanity through their positive changes."
"What can be said? All is good. Soul knows. Cannot be possessed by 3D consciousness. Simply is. The only 'thing' to be is of the One, is having a 3D experience and learning from all experiences on and on."
"Too much channeled/question and answer articles."
"If I were to be critical, I suppose it would be to lower the price and lean less toward star children in La La Land. Earth is a prison planet for some of the worst spirits in our universe. As an old rebel spirit (repentant) from the original creation, I could outline the whole picture, but it would not be appreciated by your readers, I suspect. The great deceiver and wanna be gods now running the matrix don't hit star children and love and light types because they are no threat to the present domination systems. I've been burned to the ground twice for my efforts at exposure. Actually you're doing a great job and I see the huge work load you have. Wish I could recommend a way to get wider exposure and circulation for you."
"Good luck as you are doing a very good job as your paper lasted so many years. Thank you so much for sending me The Star Beacon as I appreciate it very much and talk about the issues and I try to get people interested and they are, but money is the cause."
"I can't really say that I don't like anything, just maybe less of some articles. I thank every person who gives their time and contributions in the making of The Star Beacon. Thank you, Ann, for being so generous."
Editor's Comments
I would like to see more contributions from readers themselves in the way of letters/opinions, personal experience articles, art, book reviews, or features about people you know who have an interesting story to tell. If you feel inspired, let me know by e-mailing me at Because of the change in residence coming up, e-mail inquiries are preferred, although all snail mail will get forwarded, and next month I will have a new address to share.
Thank you to each of you who returned your survey. I have read all of your answers and comments, and know that they have all helped immensely in my commitment to continue The Star Beacon and to "keep the light on the truth!"
Ann Ulrich Miller
Editor and Publisher
This page updated August 4, 2013
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