What is happening to the 'Staff of Life'?

An article from the August 2014 issue of THE STAR BEACON


through Hannah Beaconsfield

      The following article is an excerpt from a book in progress, The Dawning of a New World Consciousness, by Hannah Beaconsfield.

      [I was in a grocery store standing in front of a section of gluten-free products. There was another woman there. She turned to me and said, “I don’t understand this. I never had a problem with this before. Where did it come from?” I shook my head and smiled. I understood her confusion at the changes in how we handle foods that don’t seem to make sense. I asked the Pleiadian Light for some information. — H.B.]

      The ascension energies of change are creating many disruptions in your physical bodies and by extension in your way of life and cultural customs. This includes one that is highly charged emotionally and touches the very core of your survival instincts: Food.
      The “Staff of Life,” as you call your grains, has held a sustaining position since your species began cultivating food. Before that, grains were just part of the many edibles gathered by nomadic groups. Cultivating grains allowed early humans to put down roots and build homes, develop complex cultures and evolve technological civilizations.
Your founders seeded basic food forms into your planetary patterns. Grains were provided to carry, as a micro-food, concentrated vibrations of the elements of Earth: light, wind, water, energies from the surrounding flora and fauna and a spark of life force energy linked to the divine creative source.
      Those of you, who keep up with the news about consumer products and are exposed to information about the many distortions in food, know that some of your foodstuffs have been altered way beyond their original forms. Centuries of human alterations in raising crops as well as more recent scientific interventions have created drastic changes in your wheat and other grains. These changes have altered them to such a degree that your physical bodies are fighting them as alien invaders and are causing disturbing symptoms that have been increasing and affecting more and more people in recent decades.
      What is most important for your understanding, at this time, is what is happening in your ascending bodies. In addition to denatured foods, there are alterations to your physical units that are making it difficult for them to handle what you have always considered life-sustaining food, good food. This is because YOU CANNOT NOURISH AN ASCENDED BODY WITH DENSE 3D FOOD! Your bodies are transforming and they are rejecting, in one way or another, many of the foodstuffs you are ingesting. (We should mention, at this point, that some dense pharmaceutical medicines will be having diminishing healing effects, as well.)
      The rise in sensitivities to certain foods, especially in the past decade, is way beyond any natural progression. The rise in awareness of mounting grain sensitivities is not due so much to a broader medical testing, but to the widespread changes in human bodies caused by transformational energies. It is the people who are experiencing uncomfortable symptoms that are seeking answers and creating a public awareness.
      It is true that most of the channeled material and commentary to date has come from “first ascenders” who are leading the transformation with conscious participation and reporting to those who are following. Often these leaders think that they are the chief sufferers and the rest of the world is functioning merrily along.
      You only have to look at your media reporting to see something is happening on a broad scale. One example: The obesity epidemic is not just caused by empty fattening food and low levels of activity. There are always multi levels to any phenomena. The mass consciousness is trying to create balances and there are so many levels to be balanced at this time. On one level, fat does act as a buffer for the bodies that sense unconsciously that they are being bombarded with high-level energies that are different from what they have been used to. In this case, the fat acts to provide a protective buffer for the nervous system.
      In addition to putting up protection for your bodies, your human unconscious levels are dealing with a strong intuitive sense of change happening that you have to deal with emotionally. It makes you feel insecure, frightened, angry, and unstable. Many of the physiological expressions of these emotions fall into categories of inflammatory diseases. These emotions also drive behavior that uses food to give comfort or protection to the self. We are not excusing the current Western diet. Obesity is devastating to the human body and its extended levels of consciousness.
      With regard to inflammatory forms of illness, we will paraphrase a quote from your Bible: Last time the world was destroyed by water, next time it will be by fire. Beyond the fires of war and the many fire forms of natural disasters consider that, on at least one level, this fire could be within and a reference to inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, which are becoming rampant.
Our interpretation of this prophecy is not of world destruction, but a breakdown of patterns with the intension of clearing old levels of consciousness to make way for the new. And inflammatory diseases do act like flames of purification intended to break down the body so that it can be recreated on a new vibratory level: The ascension of the species!
Now, the question is what can you do to control this growing inferno? This is a difficult and unique problem. Unique because you are faced with the need to alter your diet on a world level (no matter what your regional diet is) to provide the appropriate nourishment for bodies that are in the process of transmuting. And this has to happen quickly to prevent as much pain and suffering as possible. The diseases that force alterations in eating will change what is not changed by conscious choice. Nature will find a way, using any means possible, including disaster and disease, to bring about the changes necessary for ascension.
      The good news is that you have some new advantages in your changing world to support these processes. There is the worldwide communication system that barely existed a couple of decades ago and you have the temporal contraction. More and more you are observing the changes in your experience of time. In the past you could project the time necessary to complete some project with good accuracy. Now, when you try to apply the same time-sense, you are repeatedly amazed that changes appear to occur more quickly than you would have previously calculated. You can’t really depend on your old senses. These aspects will be a help, as you take on a worldwide alteration in human sustenance, in that the changes will happen faster than you think in time-sense and spread quickly around the world due to your technology.

      We can give you our view of the progression of changes that will lead to an ascension diet that will support your new bodies. We are basing our projections on our historical (Pleiadian) background and the nutrient support that was most common in our many planetary cultures. Of course, you will play out your own Earth version of this drama. We are focusing on the point in our development that is comparable to the current bridge you are crossing. (3D to 5D, allowing for 4D as your astral plane.) Sometimes the use of the numbers gets in the way of your understanding—these reality levels are much more fluid than you currently view them.
      Our cultures have genetic connections with your human forms, Pleiadians having been one of your founding contributors. You are, however, the evolution of more than one off-Earth genetic patterning. The two strongest contributors and the engines behind your ascension processes are Pleiadians and those from Sirius planetary cultures. Therefore, you must take the Pleiadian view of après-ascension nutrient needs with a pinch of salt, and allow for variations.
      The era of our development and stabilization that is comparable to your 5th dimension/density/ focus concept was characterized by a move into a light-infused reality. Our foodstuffs evolved into a diet of nectars and flowers. Please don’t freak! This change took place over a period of time and when the physical bodies and their diets reached that “extreme” point, they were in complete accord with themselves and their nourishment.
      At the height of this period of our development, life force energy was ingested through liquids derived from plants and small amounts of plant substances, primarily flowers. Eventually, these foods were used mostly in celebratory situations. All other forms of sustenance were absorbed from the subtle energy nutrients in air, color, light, sound, etc. From this era we evolved into light body humanoids and did not have any diet, as such, but energy flowed through us from the natural world and cosmic world around us.
      How do you begin this change in nourishment? First, we wish to guide you to approach these changes as individuals. Each of you has different genetic components as well as different beliefs and emotional attachments to food. You will be more at peace with the whole process if you research for yourselves, testing your reactions to different foods and sensing intuitively which foods feel nourishing to you. There are so many variables among Earth humans that each of you needs to take responsibility for your own ascension challenges.
      Before you even start “depriving” yourselves of “goodies,” we would guide you to undertake a program of adding subtle energy “nutrients” to your diet. The subtle energies we recommend include color vibrations, sonic forms of support and especially nourishing energies channeled through your hands. This is life force, unconditional love energy channeled from the Universe and the Earth to your heart center and then directed to flow out through your hands. Your stated intent for this energy would be to provide perfect nourishment to support every cell in your body. Cup your hands over your face and breathe in this energy sustenance allowing it to flow from your lungs through your whole body.

      (Note from the channel: I’ve started calling this energy “Mannavita,” reflecting the word roots of “hand,” “life,” and the Biblical “manna.” Also another quick note: You can use this method for activating, releasing, and directing your own stem cells as an adjunct to the transformational energies. More channeling on this later.)

      Your hands are naturally coming on line as ascension tools (once and future tools!). If you have never worked consciously with hand-directed energy, be aware that generic energies for many different uses are beginning to flow with unrestricted ease. If you have done hand-healing work, your abilities are already flowing stronger and stronger.
      Now that the physiological morphing has begun, there is so much information about the nuts and bolts of your transformation that channels will be bringing through. Your question about the “Staff of Life” has brought forth a small stream of information, but there is a mighty river headed toward your world consciousness.
      Our primary intent, at this time, is to emphasize the importance of taking living-plane action to assist in your transformation. The first step is to consciously change your attitudes toward food and to begin to alter your diet by increasing light filled fruits and vegetables. And most important, you need to activate your abilities to channel life-force nutrients for yourselves.
      Be at Peace with your ascended selves and the pre-ascension loose ends that we’ll help you tie up.
                                                      Channeled May 2014

Copyright © 2014, Hannah Beaconsfield

Books by Hannah Beaconsfield
New Edition with Updated Material of Welcome to Planet Earth, A Guide for Walk-ins, Starseeds, and Lightworkers, Light Technology Publishing, ISBN-13: 978-1-891824-93-7,
ISBN-10: 1-891824-93-7. Order: 800-450-0985
Available as eBook or formatted for eReader from Amazon.
Welcome to Planet Earth is currently available in Russian from Sophia Publications, http://sophia.ru/book/book1519.html

Riding the Phoenix: Surviving the Global Resurrection (Revised Edition), ISBN 1-4208-1806-6
Order: 888-280-7715. Also available as an eBook from www.authorhouse.com—$2.95 and formatted for your eReader.

Mystical Children’s Book
The Swan Who Wanted to eB a Ballet Dancer,
ISBN 987-1-4259-8659-9. Order: 888-280-7715

All books are also available from Amazon.com.
Material from this article may be reprinted with appropriate credit.




This page updated August 3, 2014


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