edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
© 2014 (all rights reserved)
An article from the April 2014 issue of
Alien implant researcher Dr. Roger Leir passes
Dr. Roger Leir,
podiatrist and researcher of alleged alien implants, died in a hospital while
preparing for foot surgery on March 16, 2014. He had excused himself to visit
the hospital men's room and never came out. Official cause of death has not yet
been announced. He had surgery complications from a July 2010 roll-over car
accident after leaving the MUFON Symposium.
Dr. Leir is a world expert in the field of alien implants. He recently spoke at
Washington, DC's Citizen Hearings for Disclosure, organized by Stephen Bassett.
Dr. Leir's experience spans decades and includes scientific evidence that people
are being implanted with alien devices.
He was the author of The Aliens and the Scalpel (1st & 2nd edition),
UFO Crash
in Brazil, Casebook Alien Implants, Chopped Liver and three other books
published outside the US. Dr. Leir held academic degrees of Doctor of Podiatric
Medicine, Bachelor of Science, and Associate in Arts. A longtime podiatric
surgeon, Dr. Leir had been in private practice in Ventura County, Calif., for
the past 43 years.
Dr. Leir was one of the world's most important leaders in physical evidence
research involving the field of ufology. He and his surgical team had performed
15 surgeries on alleged alien abductees. This resulted in the removal of 16
separate and distinct objects suspected of being alien implants. These objects
have been scientifically investigated by some of the most prestigious
laboratories in the world, including Los Alamos National Labs, New Mexico Tech,
Seal Laboratories, Southwest Labs, the University of Toronto, York University,
and the University of California at San Diego.
Their findings have been baffling and some comparisons have been made to
meteorite samples. In addition, some of the tests show metallurgical anomalies
such as highly magnetic iron that is without crystalline form, combinations of
crystalline materials, mixed common metals, growth of biological tissue into or
out of metallic substances, as well as isotopic ratios not of this world.
(Source: Filer's Files #12-2014, with thanks and appreciation to George Filer)
UFO cylinder over the Ukraine
KOROSTEN -- A cylindrical
UFO was videotaped moving over this city in the Ukraine on March 6, 2014.
Allegedly, MSN has reported on the video. Apparently, it is believed that this
is a USAF "Sky Dreadnought" that is the most advanced military weapons system in
the history of human existence. The ship -- a long, cigar-shaped craft -- is
almost 3,000 feet long, about the length of three aircraft carriers, and flies
by virtue of a gravity-manipulation system. The video was also uploaded to
Canada's Yahoo! News.
The following quote is
from Filer's Files dated March 15, 2014: "While watching Global Leaks
'Drone Footage -- northern tip of Crimea' on YouTube, I noticed an anomaly at
around 0:31 seconds of a disc that enters from left bottom and travels
diagonally towards what appears to be a road. Then (it) takes an abrupt right
turn and out of picture! I generally dismiss UFO videos and sightings with
common sense!"
(Thanks to MUFON CMS)
California and Mexico UFOs
couple unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings were reported in California in
the middle of March. In February, 59 UFO sightings were reported in California,
more than any other state, according to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Mexico
also had numerous sightings in February.
In Anaheim, Calif., on March
12, footage of a UFO was recorded, which appears white at first, but then
flashes blue and moves back and forth in the sky, occasionally changing color.
This footage was obtained by TheTruthBehindUFOs.com. The man recording
the video comments, "The movements are so unusual."
You can see these videos at www.theepoch
times.com. (Thanks to Valerie Benson)
Presidential Quotes about UFOs
"I'm not at liberty to
discuss the government's knowledge of extraterrestrial UFOs at this time. I am
still personally being briefed on the subject!"
-- President Richard M.
"I think about how
quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat
from outside this world. And I ask you, does not this threat already exist?"
-- President Ronald
Reagan’s UN address
"The US Air Force assures
me that UFOs pose no threat to National Security."
-- President John F.
"I strongly recommend
that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it
to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs and to produce the
greatest possible enlightenment on this subject."
-- President Gerald Ford (1966)
Filer’s Files is a worthwhile deal that lands in your email inbox every week. To subscribe to these UFO reports, email George Filer for information at Majorstar@verizon.net.
This page updated March 25, 2014
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