edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
© 2014 (all rights reserved)
An article from the June 2014 issue of
Mother ship near ISS
From George Filer, Filer's Files #21-2014: “This photo of a large mother ship was recorded by the ISS live cam near the space station (in mid-May) by Streetcap1 of YouTube. The new HD cams are in place and this may or may not be one of those cams. They use both the two HD cams and the regular cams.
"Why are UFOs seen so
often at the space station? Well, this week aliens (are) interested in how the
Russians are trying to dominate over the ISS, due to the sanctions put on Russia
by the United Nations. You see, alien tech can record everything in a scan, the
person's emotions, moods, health, stress, interests, memories … all just plain
advancements in tech that one day humanity also will have. They record it to
study us … because humanity might cause its own destruction, and they want to
learn while we are still here."
Thanks to
Jupiter's moon has layers of water,
possibly life
From George Filer,
Filer's Files #21-2014:
"As club sandwiches go, this undoubtedly is the biggest one in the solar system.
Scientists said that Jupiter's moon, Ganymede, may possess ice and liquid oceans
stacked up in several layers much like the popular multi-layered sandwich.
"They added that this
arrangement may raise the chances that this distant icy world harbors life.
NASA's Galileo spacecraft flew by Ganymede in the 1990s and confirmed the
presence of an interior ocean, also finding evidence for salty water perhaps
from the salt known as magnesium sulfate. Ganymede, with its diameter of about
5,300 km, is the largest moon in the solar system and is bigger than the planet
"Scientists performed
computer modeling of Ganymede's ocean, taking into account for the first time
how salt increases the density of liquids. Steve Vance, an astrobiologist at
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, said the arrangement might be
like this: at the top, a layer of ice on the moon's surface, with a layer of
water below that, then a second layer of ice, another layer of water underneath
that, then a third layer of ice, with a final layer of water at the bottom above
the rocky seafloor.
" 'That would make it the
largest club sandwich in the solar system,' Vance said in a telephone interview.
Ganymede boasts a lot of water, perhaps 25 times the volume of Earth's oceans.
"Its oceans are estimated
to be about 800 km deep. Ganymede is one of five moons in the solar system
thought to have oceans hidden below icy surfaces. Two other moons, Europa and
Callisto, orbit the big gas planet Jupiter. The moons Titan and Enceladus circle
the ringed gas planet Saturn."
Strange Weather
From George Filer, Filer's Files #21-2014:
"Our weather appears abnormal (with) snow, tornadoes, wildfires, and drought
occurring simultaneously in different parts of the United States. Why? I suggest
someone or something is messing with our weather. Chemtrails exist and may lead
to unknown consequences.
"China and Russia brag about
making it rain and snow. They even export technology to other countries such as
Mexico, where rain-making technology is bringing fertility to central Mexico. A
small change in Mexico's rainfall may bring tornadoes to the Midwest or a
drought in the West. The Joplin, Missouri, tornado killed 161 people in May of
2011. Stronger building codes and shelters could have saved many. However,
tornado seeding and taming aircraft may have saved all their lives.
"Tim Ball, chairman of the
Natural Resources Stewardship Project, argued that the issue of climate change
has become politicized and exploited, and has led to the undermining of
scientific objectivity. A small group of people saw environmentalism and global
warming and climate change as a vehicle for a political agenda, but when the
science showed that global warming wasn't really happening, they switched over
to climate change, 'moving the goalpost,' he lamented. Further, this group has
claimed that 'carbon pollution' or manmade CO2 has caused the problem.
"This group doesn't want to let
go of their political agenda and keeps raising the ante -- they want people to
be scared, and surrender all control to them, he continued. Ball says he's been
lambasted for being a skeptic, yet maintaining a skeptical stance is really
practicing good science, he suggested.
" 'Climate change is brought
about by a number of different interacting natural cycles, including the 11-year
sunspot cycle, the changing orbit of the Earth around the sun, and the changing
tilt of the Earth’s axis,' he's concluded.
Check out http://www.whatsupinthesky.com
(Anomaly Web site) -- thasf7561@flash.net
Sources for Free Energy, Nikola Tesla, etc.
In the summer of 1931,
electricity genius Nikola Tesla test-drove a car in Buffalo, N.Y., that ran on
free energy. A new Ford Pierce-Arrow sedan was outfitted with an electric motor
that drew its fuel -- Extreme Low Frequency Waves -- from the Ether.
Tesla's relative, Petyar Savo,
with Tesla as a passenger, drove the car some 50 miles through Buffalo and the
surrounding countryside at various speeds. Tesla predicted that soon all cars,
ships, home, factories, etc., would be powered by this unlimited free and clean
However, to this day, powerful
"vested interest" has kept Tesla's invention off the market.
In his writings, General Erwin
Rommel credited the Allied victory in Africa with an American top secret
carburetor. There are many documented accounts of American servicemen to confirm
this. After the war, the carburetor disappeared as mysteriously as it had
Similar technologies are in
various stages of development by several small companies and garage technicians.
One of the many devices that currently exist is the pollution-free Joseph Newman
Energy Machine. For more information, do a Web search for "Joseph Newman Energy
The Irish company Steorn Ltd.
recently announced in Economist Magazine that it had developed a magnetic
fields technology that makes free energy available. The technology has been
proven in Steorn's own laboratories as well as in independent labs. However,
Steorn says they are running into bureaucratic brick walls, trying to market the
invention. For more information, do a Web search for "Steorn Ltd."
For information, photos and
videos of four cars converted to run on free energy through the Joe Cell method,
visit: http://energygrid.com/science/2002/as-joecell.html. Go to http://video.google.com
and type "Joe Cell" or "Byron New Energy" into the search box for information on
the free energy Cosmic Water cell. Visit http://www.joecell.info for information
on how to build a Joe Cell. Do a Web search for "Alex Schiffer 3 Stages" for a
24-minute video explaining the 3 Stages version of the Joe Cell (can be
downloaded). NuTech periodically sells Joe Cell kits. Visit
http://www.nutech2000.com. A Joe Cell Resource Guide is available at
Many other how-to free energy plans are available from Creative Science &
Research. For a free catalog, go to: www.fuellesspower.com. Click on
Catalog" for download. Also visit:
An Anti-Gravity and Free Energy video (order #T-539) is available from Proclaim
Liberty Ministry, P.O. Box 339-S, Adrian, MI 49221. Ph.: 888-820-2126,
For a free info-pack that includes a variety of books on free energy, send two
stamps to: Ganther Technology, N-5408 Romadka Ave., Granton, WI 54436-9010.
Many free energy devices are featured in the catalog of the below-mentioned
organization. For a free copy of their catalog, call ISA at 800-770-8802,
New Energy News is published monthly by email by the Institute for New Energy.
Contact: NEN, 3084 East 3300 South-IC, Salt Lake City, UT 84109, www.padrak.com/ine/.
Extraordinary Technology Magazine is published quarterly by electrical engineer
Steven Elswick, cofounder of the International Tesla Society. Contact: Tesla
Tech Inc., 296 E. Donna Drive, Queen Valley, AZ 85218. Ph: 520-463-1994,
The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity, by Dr. Peter Lindemann, is
available as video or book. Explains how Edwin Gray's Cold Electricity relates
to Tesla's Radiant Energy. Gray's EMA motor produced 40 times more power than it
drew from batteries. Contact: Clear Tech, Inc., P.O. Box 713, Liberty Lake, WA
99153. Ph.: 505-921-6960, support@free-energy.ws, www.free-energy.ws.
A brochure featuring plans for various free energy devices, like fuelless
engine, fuel from water, free electricity from the sky/earth, permanent magnetic
motor, fuelless heater, etc., is available from: Creative Science & Research,
P.O. Box 557, New Albany, IN 47151. www.fuellesspower.com
Space Energy Association offers a quarterly magazine that reports on the latest
free energy developments, including construction plans when available. Contact
Space Energy Association, P.O. Box 1136, Clearwater, FL 33757-1136. Ph.:
Also, Green Energy Junkie: http://greencoclub.com (for information on devices).
Latest information on alternative and free energy technologies is published at
Thanks to Dr. Leo Sprinkle and
Scoopified, P.O. Box 277, Bellingham, WA 98227.
Filer’s Files is a worthwhile deal that lands in your email inbox every week. To subscribe to these UFO reports, email George Filer for information at Majorstar@verizon.net.
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