
edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
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An article from the October 2014 issue of

New report and analysis of Billy Meiers’ Energy Ships

          Chris Lock has co-authored a new report with Professor Rhal Zahi on Billy Meier's controversial Energy Ship photos.
          The following appeared on Michael Horn's Web site (http://theyflyblog.com/energy-ships-report-analysis-prof-rhal-zahi-chris-lock/09/01/2014). It was brought to my attention by Chris, who mentions it on his Facebook page (www.facebook.com/chris.lock.9066).
          "Prof. Rhal Zahi and Chris Lock have done a new, in-depth investigation of another of Billy Meier's most unusual and controversial UFO photos, those of the so-called Energy Ships:
          "One of his conclusions, that a particular Energy Ship photo is an in-camera triple exposure:
          …echoes exactly what Ken Solomon, a photographic and movie special effects expert told me in 2006. This information was presented in rebuttal to claims that David Biedney made that the photo was a deliberate double exposure, hoaxed outside of the camera by Meier.
          "When I relayed information from Ken that he wished for his name to be removed from the Paracast site to protect his privacy, naturally these buffoons accused me of authoring the request and refused to honor it. These are the same people who freaked out when I told them, 'There's only one of me…and I've got you all surrounded.' Speaking of which, with his analyses of the WCUFO, the Pendulum UFO and now the Energy Ships, "Prof. Zahi has quite nicely surrounded all of the various skeptics and deniers with clear, logical, scientifically prepared and presented documentation supporting the authenticity of Billy Meier's photographic UFO evidence. Maybe now they'll finally surrender…to the truth."
          Michael Horn is the authorized American media representative for the Billy Meier Contacts, which he has researched since 1979 (and proved to be absolutely authentic). He is the writer and producer of the new, award-winning feature-length documentary, The Silent Revolution of Truth, as well as the writer, producer and narrator of the DVD The Meier Contacts -- The Key To Our Future Survival.
          Chris Lock writes on his Facebook page: "These (photos) will help you see more clearly certain details we are referring to in the document and, of course, the incredibly enigmatic UFOs themselves.
          "Photograph #719 shows the wires below the Energy Ship clearly lit up by it; the triple exposure #720 shows the three different quantities of light on Billy's house evincing the three different automatic time exposures, the 'scanning' vertical light beams, and the faint circle at the far left end of the ES together with its center; #728 clearly shows the jeep bumper and its shadow on the wheel, and also the red circle with central reddish dot, again on the far left side of the ES.
          "Photograph #728 has some blue markings on it that were on the original that Christian (from FIGU) sent to Zahi. We did not change any of this, thinking it best to preserve at least the original that we had. It does mean, of course, that this is not the actual original photograph itself; but we can still acquire a great deal of information from it.
          "Zahi and I hope this assists you in your reading and research of the photographs, UFOs and ‘Energy Ships’ document."
          Chris Lock resides in Japan. You can read more on his Facebook page. For more information on Michael Horn's work, visit www.theyfly.com.

 Pennsylvania UFO caught on camera

          Residents outside Harrisburg, Pa., spotted a mysterious object in the sky the last week in August. Starships? The following is a transcript deciphered from a video interview. (It is not really clear who is talking. I arranged the paragraphs to make the transcript more readable, but cannot vouch for its accuracy. -- Ed.)
         "A mysterious sight. They saw a strange object flying overhead and managed to catch it on tape, and Brandi Hitt is here to explain. Still a big mystery this morning.
         "Good morning. Residents in Harrisburg are still trying to figure out exactly what those flashing lights are. Aliens? A drone maybe?
         "Well, even a local police department does not have an answer."
         "Oh, I am scared to death now."
         Reporter: "It's the video that is sparking rumors of extraterrestrial life, all shot on Stephanie Wilkerson's cell phone."
         "Oh, did you see that!"
         Reporter: "Wilkerson says she was relaxing on her porch Monday night when the unidentified flying object caught her eye."
         "I thought it was a plane until I realized it wasn't moving and I watched it for about 20 minutes and I started noticing it changing colors."
         Reporter: "That’s when she ran for her phone and called over a neighbor."
         "He went and got his binoculars because he first thought it was a planet, and then he said, no, its changed yellow. That is not a planet."
         Reporter: "So she called 911."
         "Look at that! Look at that!"
         Reporter: "But even police were dumbfounded."
         "He went there and apparently he saw them too, so he called his sergeant and his corporal to come to verify what he was seeing."
         Reporter: "So police called the National Guard training center and the local airports, to find out if they could account for any aircraft activity in the area."
         "They couldn't. This is unbelievable."
         Reporter: This isn't the first UFO sighting in recent weeks. In July, this questionable object was spotted as firefighters battle a wildfire in Canada and just two weeks ago, these photos were posted all over Twitter, convincing many that the illuminated round disk was something extraterrestrial, while some just don’t buy it. One photo suggesting it was a reflection of this lamppost. Back in Pennsylvania, Wilkerson says she says these lights prove we are not alone."
         "I'm now a believer in UFOs. The whole neighborhood is getting involved here. Listen to this."
         Reporter: "Stephanie says this is not a fluke. She saw the light again last night, and frankly is now a little freaked out. Another neighbor also saw it last week. So any guesses?"
         "Well, it's definitely a UFO. It's an 'unidentified flying object.'"
         "Some of the stuff -- I’m with her."
         "I do think it's strange. No flight activity from the airport. Even the police sergeant is like, we have no idea."
         Source: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/ pennsylvania-ufo-caught-camera-25157418. The report on the Web site was dated 8-28-2014.
         (Thanks to Valerie Benson)

UFO captured on video outside ISS
         Another sighting of a UFO outside the International Space Station (ISS) has been reported, according to an article by Norman Byrd of the Myrtle Beach Examiner. A video of the object, which was caught by a live NASA space station camera, was uploaded to You Tube by the user known as Streetcap1. The video displays a glowing orb keeping pace with the space station, which is decaying in its orbit about 261 miles above the earth.
         In a posting by Scott Waring, he explains that not only is the glowing orb "moving upward" in the video, it is also seen "fluctuating." Waring notes that the UFO is a "fantastic example" of the white ball type. "Most UFOs recorded around the world (about 20 percent) are white glowing balls," he attests.
         Skeptics say the object could be some glowing piece of space junk illuminated by the sun. Regardless, the UFO find is not the first time objects of the unidentified kind have been spotted flying around the International Space Station. The New York Daily News reported that white orbs had been detected outside the space station several times in August. The Houston Chronicle reported that the first of the glowing objects had been found by UFO enthusiasts closely monitoring NASA's live webcam.

Hundreds of believers report UFO in skies near NASA in Houston
         Finally, a picture of a UFO that's not just a poorly altered flying cigar. And not just one image.
         Hundreds of people reported seeing a ring of blinking lights in the sky above Houston, Texas, during a lightning storm in mid-September, and plenty of them had cameras.
         Photographs and videos of the event have been circulating on social media, generating so much interest that the Huffington Post actually ran a poll on "The Texas UFO." Some of the best footage was recorded by Houston musician Andrew Pena, who says he was recording the spectacular lightning show while driving along Interstate 45 and didn't realize what he had until he played it back at home.
         The video, which shows a circle of brightly colored lights moving around in the sky, has been declared both "amazing" and "nothing" by ufologists and skeptics alike. "I think the trick with UFOs is figuring out what else they could be," Dr. Carolyn Summers, vice president for astronomy at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, told KPRC-TV. "It's easy to say that it could be aliens. The more people who see it in different directions, the more likely we are to figure out where it is, what it is, and see if we can explain it."
         Mutual UFO Network chief investigator Fletcher Gray dismissed the object as "no more than light trapped in the side window" of Mr. Pena's car.
         The UFO was reportedly hovering less than 12.5 miles from the Johnson Space Center, leading others to speculate it could have been NASA testing its latest toy, a "supersonic flying saucer," which was launched from Hawaii on June 28. The device, officially named Low Density Supersonic Decelerator, imitates the rapid inflation technique of the Hawaiian puffer fish as a way to protect spacecraft during landings. The aim is to reduce the speed of descending spacecraft, making it easier to land on planets like Mars.
         Other theories include a weather balloon, the reflection of a street light, stadium lights and an unmanned drone. But so far there has been no official explanation and no word from NASA.
         The article originally appeared on news.com.au.
         To read more about the Houston UFO, visit nationalufocenter.com/2014/09/hundreds-believers-report-ufo-skies-near-nasa-houston/.

         Filer’s Files is a worthwhile deal that lands in your email inbox every week. To subscribe to these UFO reports, email George Filer for information at Majorstar@verizon.net.




This page updated October 8, 2014


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