
edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
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An article from the December 2014 issue of

Whistleblower Bob Lazar to appear at UFO Congress

          In 1989, Bob Lazar came forward to assert that he had worked on reverse-engineering alien technology at a secret facility in Nevada called S-4 that was built into a mountainside just south of Area 51's main site. The world was introduced to Area 51, and to Bob Lazar, by KLAS investigative reporter George Knapp, who interviewed Lazar about his claims.
          Now, 25 years later, both Knapp and Lazar will be reuniting for a special appearance. Although he has largely avoided speaking about his Area 51 experiences in public, both Lazar and Knapp will appear at the International UFO Congress in Fountain Hills, Ariz., on Saturday, Feb. 21, 2015. Knapp will present a lecture, followed by an hour-long question-and-answer session with Lazar.
          The assertions made by Lazar are well-known staples in UFO lore, and they served as a catalyst for Area 51's rise to pop culture prominence. He alleges that he was expelled from working at Area 51 after it was discovered that he had told friends where they could watch test flights of the advanced extraterrestrial technology on which he was working.
          Although many believe Lazar's assertions, critics dismiss his claims, citing the lack of supporting evidence, including the absence of employment and education records. But Lazar, who asserts the government erased his records, stands by his claims.
          Knapp and Lazar reunited in May 2014 on the 25th anniversary of their first interview. Lazar's story remains the same now as it was when he told it 25 years ago. Although he has his critics, Lazar recently told Knapp that he really doesn’t care if anyone believes him or not. He is not trying to convince anyone, and he has tried to leave UFOs in his past.
          In their recent interview, Lazar, who currently runs a scientific equipment and supply store in Michigan with his wife called United Nuclear, explains to Knapp, "This is not a business of mine. I am trying to run a scientific business, and if I'm the UFO guy, it makes it really difficult, it is to my benefit that people don't believe the story."
          For more information on the UFO Congress, visit ufocongress.com

Mother claims ghost of US Marine killed 30 years ago is possessing 4-yr.-old son

          Michele Lucas of Virginia Beach claims her son Andrew has been recalling the story of Sergeant Val Lewis, who was one of 241 American servicemen killed in the Beirut barracks bombing in October 1983.
          Andrew has been crying hysterically, asking his mom: "Why did you let me die in the fire?" She claims he recognizes photos of other soldiers that were with Sgt. Lewis when he died.
          The Virginia mom has come to believe the ghost of a US Marine, who was killed over 30 years ago in the terror attack, is somehow now possessing her 4-year-old son. Lucas told WTKR-TV it started when the toddler began talking about things no child his age should, beginning with saying he used to live at 860 Main Street in Sumter, Georgia.
          She started suspecting there was a spirit living inside her son, she told WTKR, and reached out to the creators of the television show Ghost Inside My Child. "He just starts crying hysterically and I say 'What's wrong, Andrew?' and he says, 'Why did you let me die in that fire?' Lucas told the station.
          The show producers investigated further and apparently connected the things Andrew was saying with the story of Sgt. Lewis, using the address and the fire.
          Lucas decided to take her son to the Georgia gravesite of Sgt. Lewis, in the hope it might bring him some closure. She said he walked straight up to the headstone and placed flowers on top of it, before taking off for another grave nearby, which he said was one of his friends.
          The strange occurrences continued when the family returned to Virginia Beach.
          "About two weeks ago, there was an emblem on my wall and it was like somebody went up to it and turned it, and it went right back," Lucas told WTKR.
          "So it's kind of creeping me out. I don't know if I've picked up spirits while I was in the graveyard. I don't know."
          Lucas said her next step is to see a psychic, hoping they will be able to give her better answers. "Is my house haunted? Is my child haunted?" she asked.
          (Source: Daily Mail, UK, with thanks to T. Stokes)

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This page updated December 6, 2014


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