Conversations with Spirit and John
© 2014 (all rights reserved)
An article from the April 2014 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
Do you know how powerful your
words and thoughts are?
words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” --
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa
Are you aware of how powerful
and life-
changing your thoughts and words can be? I am not always -- so I can use
occasional reminders.
Our words and thoughts carry their own unique energies and vibrations.
Here are some thoughts and words from
Spirit, in no particular order.
• Where you put your attention or focus is where you are -- and what you are
focused upon will be affected, positively or negatively. It all depends on
whether you are projecting love or something less than love with your thoughts
and words.
• Life can be much simpler than many humans make it out to be. So simplify your
life by imagining yourself seeing the world, everyone, and everything through
God’s eyes.
• Speak your truth kindly. Think kind thoughts.
• By focusing on anyone or anything, you are matching your vibration to that
person or thing. This can work for or against you. If you notice the negatives
-- for example, the anger or hatred of another, you will be drawn into that
vibration. And dragged down by it.
• If you notice the love, the good in another, you will be drawn into that
vibration, and uplifted by it. Do that for yourself also -- focus on all the
love, the good within you.
• You have it within your power, even in the physical presence of someone or
something negative, to remain completely apart from them. Simply think thoughts
of love, and nothing negative can touch you.
• You are all connected. You are one. An overused phrase, perhaps, but an
accurate one. Which is why your words and thoughts affect everyone and
everything on the planet -- and beyond.
• Never believe what you do, say, or think is in isolation. It's not possible.
• Every word you speak, every thought you think, every deed you do has powerful
repercussions, reverberating throughout the universe.
• You have the power to affect all that is negatively or positively -- your
choice. Choose wisely, with compassion and love.
• Act, speak, and think only from a place of love.
• Every act, word, thought from a place of anything less than love contributes
to the pain so many are feeling today.
• Love can help ease the pain others feel. Love can help your brothers and
sisters begin to heal themselves.
• Each of you individually, coming from a place of love, have the power to heal
yourselves and the world.
• That is how powerful your words and thoughts are. Use your power wisely, with
love, kindness, and compassion.
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Copyright ©
2014 by John Cali
All rights reserved
article was originally published here:
This page updated March 25, 2014
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