The Meaning of It All
© 2014 (all rights reserved)
An article from the February 2014 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
Truly Meaningful Things
by Doug Elmore
We focus on what is
meaningful to us at the given moment. What is meaningful to you?
In this column I've covered a lot of meaningful things in my life, and maybe in
yours. Meaningful events, people and things continue to come into focus with
each passing day.
Each day also presents us with less meaningful things that we dwell on because they seem important. But are they really?
Take the example of TV news. Now I'll
be the first to admit that I'm hooked on my news shows and I count on them to
keep me informed.
But when we don't watch the news, life is much more peaceful and harmonious.
I've learned that it doesn't matter that I've missed it, because it's still
there the next morning.
Meaningless chitchat is another thing. A lot of people talk just for the sake of talking, and after a while, I'm usually looking for an excuse to get away from the gossip or rhetoric of complaints.
In viewing all of eternity, our lives compare to the blink of an eye throughout time as we perceive it. A lifetime can extend to a hundred years or more, which appears to be a long time when we are small children. But when you get to be a senior, suddenly you realize how quickly time has passed and you start to question how much time you have left.
A friend of mine, when she turned 65, had a party with all her friends and said to me, "If I'd known I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself."
Have you accomplished all of the things you wanted in your life? If you are like me, you still have a lot of plans and a lot of projects to complete and goals to reach. And maybe like me, you are thinking, How am I ever going to get it all done?
After all, limitations do get in the way. Means, such as money or health or obligations we've taken on because of others, can hold us back. Sometimes these limitations seem too overwhelming. Then we begin to lose hope and we abandon our dreams.
Sometimes those things we planned on enjoying in our Golden Years no longer have as much appeal. Maybe you dreamed of having a large home in the country, with horses, woods, exquisite furnishings and room to entertain friends and loved ones. Or maybe you envisioned yourself traveling the world and visiting exotic countries and experiencing different cultures of people.
Lake Pagosa (Photo by Ann Ulrich Miller)
Dreams can change. Maybe what seemed so important back then doesn't really matter to you that much now. Maybe all you'd like now is a simple, comfortable life, with no stress, no financial burdens or taxes such as a large estate would bring. Maybe the idea of traveling in a dangerous world has hampered your enthusiasm. Maybe you simply don't have the energy you once enjoyed.
Meaningful things in my life today are my experiences, accomplishments and relationships. I value the family and neighborhood in which I grew up, my education, and the opportunities given to me in myriad ways. I have so many gifts, besides the creative gifts of imagination, music and art God gave me. An appreciation for the beauty of nature and life itself is meaningful. The drive for knowledge and the need to embrace and nurture others is a divine tool leading to happiness and quality of life.
It's the simple things that are most meaningful. It's not popularity, nor a heap of money, nor being famous, nor the perfect body. Success is not meaningful if it does not bring you joy. I know some successful people who are miserable most of the time, constantly in pursuit of something they just can't quite attain.
That something is inner happiness, love and acceptance for the way you are, and gratitude for what you have in any given moment. I guarantee that if you are happy with yourself, you will project that onto others, and they will witness the key to their own happiness.
Simple things in my day include sleeping a little later …
just because I can, and making breakfast for the one I love, just to see
him smile. Simple pleasures include an hour-long walk every day, enjoying the
company of my partner or basking in the beauty of the lake, Ponderosa pines,
blue skies, clouds, fresh air on my face and bird life.
Even household chores bring a sense of accomplishment and a routine that
completes my day. An hour of Beethoven or Chopin at the piano before the supper
hour attunes my soul to the Cosmos.
Reclusiveness is not such a bad thing, not when you find that inner peace that has eluded you your entire life. Not when you feel grateful for being alive, healthy and living in harmony. When you do interact with other people outside of your home, they notice the peace in you and it somehow transfers to them. And when you don't see your friends so often, you appreciate them more.
I am not retreating. No way. I will continue to move forward with my work, The Star Beacon, my plans and creative pursuits that continue to propel me forward into my Golden Years.
Thank you, all of you reading this, for being part of a wonderful life and a Beacon of Light for all to see.
This page updated February 5, 2014
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