The Meaning of It All

© 2014 (all rights reserved)

An article from the April 2014 issue of THE STAR BEACON.

Our changing world
is not to be feared

Photo by Doug Elmore

  In March I flew from Durango to Orlando, Fla., to spend three marvelous days with my son, Scott Ulrich, who has been living and working in Poland. With him was his girlfriend, Woohye, who is South Korean.

        We had fun visiting Sea World, eating out and enjoying Woohye's first taste of American pizza, playing miniature golf, and just hanging out. I even learned a couple of Korean phrases to try out on Doug when I got home.

        After living in this rather remote area of southern Colorado for the last five years, a town like Durango seemed big to me ... yet I found Orlando to be enormous.

        Sea World was memorable. The animals we saw, plus all the exhibits and rides, were nothing short of exhilarating. Being able to experience marine life up close -- even penguins in the simulated cold of their native Antarctica -- leaves a lasting impression and a whopping sense of awe.

        We spent a whole day among crowds of people from all over our planet -- from so many different cultures -- from all kinds of backgrounds. I was flabbergasted. Mainly, I suppose, because I live such a reclusive life in an isolated part of the country where diversity is not common.

        I can't imagine living in a universe where we are all the same. How boring it would be if we all were the same race, the same color, and held the same beliefs. The animal world certainly is an obvious display of the diversity of Creation.

        Lately, too much attention is placed on "equality" and an attempt to "level the playing field." It is offensive to me that a certain group of people insist on telling the rest of us how we are to act and what we can and cannot say. I believe people should be promoted or awarded for things they have earned, by merit, instead of just because they are different from the majority of people.

        I am noticing overplayed displays of ceremonies where "sameness" is forced upon us when we are not all the same. God did not create us in that way. He gave us diversity for good reason.

        Actually, we are born into many different lifetime opportunities and any intelligent observer can see that some come into the world with more assets than others -- and all for a purpose: to learn, to monitor and to serve.

        The Creator gave us free will. We are equal in the sense that we each have an opportunity to make choices and advance our spiritual growth. We can choose to contribute to society and serve the higher good, or we can choose to be "takers" and play the role of the victim. The worst thing we can do is impose our will on another, even if we are doing it because we believe it is our duty to turn Earth into a Utopia -- by our own definition, not the consensus. Too many of our leaders erroneously believe they are Earth’s saviors. Most of them make matters worse.

"Common Core" education, for example, cannot be a good thing when it takes away the motivation to
do well and exceed in academia. It is especially not a good thing, in my opinion, when civics classes (including the history of our nation and our world) are removed from the curriculum. When our youth are kept from knowing the truth about their own history, and that history is ignored ... then we will be forced to repeat it.

        Star Beacon readers already know that the universe is populated with diverse beings. We do not look the same. We do not think the same. But we are all God's people. We all have basic needs, desires, hopes, goals and aspirations. We all have the right to live in freedom and pursue happiness.

        Harmony and balance will never be achieved by ruling factors forcing what they consider to be the "right way to live" onto everyone else. There will always be differences in opinion. There will always be those who choose not to go along with the "P.C." crowd. In fact, I am one of them. For that, should I be punished because of my beliefs?

        Any time there is limitation, beware. Limitation is the tool of the dark side.

        We can have differences and hold conflicting beliefs with one another and still be unified. Just because our world is changing is no cause for alarm. "Live and Let Live" has been a motto I've tried to live by for sixty years.

        I love the diversity of animals, such as those I enjoyed at Sea World. I love the idea of the many different races of humans on Earth. I love that we can be free to express our ideas and follow our dreams.

        I especially love the idea that one day -- perhaps still in my lifetime -- I will greet, in friendship and respect, some of our neighbors from the stars.

        That will be a day worth living for.





This page updated March 25, 2014


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