The Meaning of It All

© 2014 (all rights reserved)

An article from the October 2014 issue of THE STAR BEACON.

Six Years Later

Photo by Doug Elmore

The veil is growing thin. As Planet Earth moves closer to its ascension, there is more chaos, more confusion and more anxiety due to the conflicting energies and the desperation of the dark forces to thwart the efforts of the Light. It is understandable why people are feeling insecure and wondering what is going on. Weren't we led to believe that we were entering into the Golden Age? Wasn't December 2012 the doorway into a beautiful age and a different dimension?
      Where are we now? Stuck in 3D? Groping our way through 4D in hopes of finding the door to the 5th Dimension? Why aren't we experiencing the promised Era of Peace and Light and manifestation of our worthy dreams?
      All around us, at this writing, fear is dominating our planet. An evil faction that kills innocents in the name of their god, threatens to torture and demolish those who will not concede to their beliefs. The threat to freedom has never been so dire.
      I already know that Star Beacon readers do not want to dwell on the world's politics, or submit to the paranoia that is now running rampant. Light workers are mortified by such ideas. We tend to turn our attention away from such threats, hoping that by doing so, we will wake up from a terrible dream.
      As I said, the veil is growing thin. Our dreams at night are more colorful, more intense, more dramatic than ever. The presence of loved ones who are on the other side of that veil are able to pierce it at times. This is a comfort to me. It is a reassurance that we are all in this together, and that all the drama playing out on our planet is not going to end in our doom.
      It is important to remember that things are not always what they seem. But it is easy, occupying a three-dimensional body, to get dragged into the fear, the ugliness and the emotion of daily life and the horrors of an impending war. Fear can quickly render a philosophy of Love and Light into doubt, bitterness and despair.
      What we need to remember is all that we have learned in our years as light workers. We are the ones who must hold the Light through this period of darkness. Our thoughts must not get tainted by what we view and hear on the evenings news. We must not allow ourselves to get worn down by these uncomfortable feelings of anger and hatred, toward injustices and other people's opposing ideas.
      We are Anchors of the Light in a turbulent sea of forces that are struggling to control us. This is not an ideal world. Planet Earth will never be Utopia. It was created this way for a reason. We chose to come here to be challenged. We agreed to participate in "The Game." But somewhere along the way, we forgot how to stop playing it. Now we are horrified by everything around us that doesn’t vibrate at our level, and we are at a loss as to our next move.
      Our salvation lies in our Spirit. These bodies we drag around were never meant to carry us forever. Our ethereal bodies will accompany us when it is our time to cross over, to join those who wait with patience and love. Knowing this brings me the needed solace I seek in such times as these, but I still choose to cling to my physical being because I know that my work is not yet finished.
      On Sept. 12, I thought a lot about my husband, Ethan, who left us in 2008. Those of you have read my book, Throughout All Time, know the story, how he peacefully passed away on Friday evening, Sept. 12, in southeastern Ohio. You'll also recall that he "signaled" me two hours later, when he caused the blue light on the Directv receiver to flash, telling me he was okay.
      Exactly six years later, on Friday night, Sept. 12, I decided to play my piano, like I do most evenings, but this evening (on the anniversary of Ethan's passing) I felt compelled to play my piano arrangement of "Dreamflight" (by Herb Ernst). Several years ago I arranged a piano solo to what was Ethan's (and my) favorite New Age music. Whenever I play "Dreamflight," it sends me into an altered state of deep relaxation and meditation.

      When my brain gets overloaded and things stress me out (particularly world events), my piano is what brings me tranquility. Playing the soothing notes of Chopin is a fantastic potion of relief from depressing or stressful thoughts.
      Anyway, while I was playing "Dreamflight," which was the music we played at Ethan's memorial service, I became aware of someone in the room behind me. The piano is up against the wall, and I heard movements like footsteps, and then I heard someone moving around in my gliding rocking chair. It continued to creak, back and forth, while I played. When I finished about 15 minutes later, everything grew quiet. I looked around, but no one was there. I thought Doug had come into the room to listen to my playing.
      It wasn’t until the next day, however, when Doug and I were discussing spirits in the house. At times there are "others" who come to visit us. Doug is sensitive to odors from the other side. He has smelled perfume (I do not wear it) and cigarette smoke (neither of us smoke). That night we knew there was paranormal activity around us.
      I was reminded of my piano playing the evening before. "I'm sure Ethan was around yesterday," I said casually. "It was when you were in the living room while I was playing the piano."
      "I wasn't listening to you play," he told me.
      "You weren't?" I thought he was messing with me at first. "Are you sure? You weren't sitting in my rocking chair?"
      He denied it. He insisted that he had not come near the living room the evening before. It was true, he never comes in to disrupt me when I'm having my music time. That's when I realized I'd been paid a visit from Ethan on the anniversary of his passing. Apparently he wanted to reassure me that he still pops in now and then.
      As for the others who pop in ... I have my ideas about them as well, but the main thing I want to convey is that the veil is growing thin ... and that means we are "on course" for Earth's ascension.





This page updated October 8, 2014


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