On Line UFO Materials
An article from the June 2014 issue of THE STAR BEACON
Use your favorite Search Engine to retrieve the following materials. "Google" the exact words noted in each item below:
1. www.ufoevidence.org (Then, click on to various items on the menu, such as “topics”)
2. The Disclosure Project
3. Paradigm Research Group
4. The Center for UFO Studies
5. National UFO Reporting Center
6. John E. Mack Institute
7. MUFON (The Mutual UFO Network)
8. The Marcia Smith Story — The President's UFO Story
9. The Rockefeller Initiative
10. UFO Researchers -- UFO Evidence (then click onto the picture of each researcher)
11. "Google" each of the following: The Sociology of UFOs; The Psychology of UFOs; The Philosophy of UFOs; Political Science and UFOs; Edgar Mitchell UFOs; Clifford Stone UFOs; Gordon Cooper UFOs; Richard Dolan UFOs; Grant Cameron UFOs; Steven Greer UFOs; C.B. Scott Jones UFOs; Carol Rosin UFOs; Jim Marrs UFOs; Jim Sparks UFOs; Stephen Hawking UFOs; Jacques Vallee UFOs; Lord Hill Norton UFOs; Paul Hellyer UFOs; John Podesta UFOs; Wilbur Allen UFOs; Gerald Ford UFOs; Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter UFOs; Col. Philip Corso UFOs; Budd Hopkins UFOs; Leo R. Sprinkle UFOs; Terry Hansen UFOs; Capt. Robert Salas UFOs; Col. Charles Halt UFOs; Leslie Kean UFOs; Astronauts UFOs; Will Miller UFOs; Outer Space Security and Development Treaty; Linda Moulton Howe UFOs; Governor Fife Symington UFOs; Harley Rutledge UFOs.
12. "Google" any academic discipline you can think of with UFOs included; e.g.: Math and UFOs
13. For a good overview of the UFO phenomenon, "Google": I Know What I Saw -- 2011. This DVD is narrated by former Governor Fife Symington of Arizona.
14. For another good DVD, "Google": UFO Documentary Out of the Blue.
15. "Google": Cape Girardeau 1941 UFO; "Google" Columbia, Missouri 1973 UFO; "Google": Columbia, Missouri 1999 UFO.
16. The amount of online UFO resources is vast. "Google" creatively for virtually any question you have about UFOs; e.g.: "Where do UFOs come from?" or "Why has there been a US UFO coverup?"
17. Also, "Google" ufocasebook.com
I hope these items will be helpful to those newly interested in UFOs.
Bill Wickersham
Adjunct Professor of Peace Studies
University of Missouri
(573) 817-1512
This page updated June 4, 2014
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