Reader's Forum

An article from the June 2014 issue of THE STAR BEACON

A thought

Dear Ann,
      Mystical power stems from two basic ideas: One, do not mentally resist the darkness. Two, know that the light is coming; do not allow faithlessness to slow the process down.
                                    Donna Spencer
                                    Crawford, Colorado

The true secret is energy

Dear Ann,
      Thanks for the item on Richard Dolan (TSB, April 2014) and his comment regarding 20 experts (electronic warfare). Some experts state that the true secret is Energy technology (not ETs). With "free" energy there is no need for war.
                                    Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D.
                                    Laramie, Wyoming

White Owl’s world view

Dear Ann,
      I always enjoy TSB. You do a great job putting it together with the best information on things. I really like the hemp articles and Willy's Corner. I thought that was a good letter Adona sent to the UN. I wonder if she ever got a response from them. It's sad that the UN really can't do things on its own, like it was designed to be. The elites had thought it was a good means to bring in the NWO, but realized it was not going to work after they destroyed the USSR, which had a big play in the function of who runs the UN.
      Have you been watching the Russia situation? It's the hottest spot to keep a watch on because it and Syria are the two places that could lead to WW III. What Russia is doing is the same thing our own government has done, but we're better at chumping up reasons to invade another country. Russia just does it openly and I don't think this will end soon.
      It means that the end of our dollar will be seen soon. The elites want to bring in the silver coin, Amero, which has already been minted and is waiting to be used. Just google the Amero and you can even see what it looks like. They will not use this until the dollar is the same value as the peso. They will blame Russia for the downfall of the dollar and maybe China too. China has been buying lots of gold with the dollars they have. They don't want worthless paper, which is what it will become. I'm not sure when this will happen. I just know that they have everything in place to make such a move.
      I agree with you that there are way too many people still in the dark with what's going on. If we have the next election, it will wake more people alone because they will realize that something is amiss with all the Bushes and Clintons picked to play master of the NWO. All that "PC BS" you speak about reminds me of the book 1984 (by George Orwell) and mind speaking. What gets me is how Obama can just pass laws all the time, bypassing Congress altogether with executive orders.
      You know that missing Malaysian airliner is a crazy thing. I know they had 20 very smart people on there that held patents on DARPA kinds of things. It's hard for me to believe that the pilot who had the simulator would fail at his goal after taking over the craft. What I found very weird was no one picking up on just what the pilot said in his last words. He said, "Goodnight, Flight 370," and that was it. It had two meanings. One, he climbed up to 45,000 feet to kill off everyone in the cabin; then the second meaning is "going dark." He cuts the transponders off.
      That plane was hijacked and now the news says that maybe it landed some place. So the mystery thickens. But the pilot could have taken himself out by mistake, too, and that plane became a zombie plane until it ran out of gas, then went into the sea. That's just a little too hard to believe, but a good chance. I know that it was a planned event and not some fluke or malfunction of the craft.
      I, too, wish not to see a civil war or armed revolution, but I know that something has to give and I'm not sure what that's going to be. I know that more gun laws are getting passed for self-carry of arms, which is a good thing.
      This kind of thing does help prevent crime from going on, and arms are what kept Hitler from taking over Switzerland because the citizens all had arms there as law, so it's a good tool for out-of-control government like the one we have now.
      But I know the government is building up for some kind of confrontation or event. Just what that is, I'm not sure, but I know it's going to be contrived by the government so they can bring in martial law. They want this to happen just to collect all the guns they can. I don't see any way around what they wish to bring about. Its masses will fall right into the trap and do just what the government wants. That's the sad part.
      It might be the dollar situation that sets people off, when the banks close and will not reopen to give anyone their money. I think that will be enough to cause unrest in city after city.
      I did like the crystal stellar skulls story, too, in the last TSB. Thank you so very much for sending them to me. I've even found someone else now that likes them, too. Thanks for everything. Wishing you the very best always.
                                    Blessings, Peace, Light in All My Relations,
                                    White Owl




This page updated June 4, 2014


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