Nocturnal Adventures

An article from the October 2014 issue of THE STAR BEACON

by Owen Waters

           Other than a few remembered dreams, our night-time slumbers seem to be one big twilight zone of consciousness where nothing much happens at all ... Nothing could be further from the truth!
          A curtain of forgetfulness is drawn across our consciousness each time we awake from sleep. What really happens at night is actually more vivid, more alive, and more real than anything that happens during the day in the physical world.
          At night, we travel in a more subtle world than the physical one. Human consciousness has many “bodies,” or shells of consciousness, each of which functions at a different level of awareness.
          The more dense bodies used by each human being are the physical body, its etheric energy counterpart, and the astral or spirit body. The less dense ones begin with the soul “body,” which is a nonphysical field of consciousness that exists beyond the limitations of time and space, and then go on up the frequency scale of consciousness from there.
          To understand where these bodies fit into the grand scale of universal consciousness, realize that there are 12 density layers of consciousness. Some people refer to the different density layers as "dimensions."
          As physical beings today, we exist in third density and are in the process of transitioning into fourth density. Fourth density has been traditionally the home of the spirit realms. It still will be after The Shift to higher consciousness has been completed, but the spirit realms will move up to higher sub-layers within fourth density as the physical realm moves in.
          The spirit realms are referred to in the plural as there are many sub-layers of consciousness within fourth density. The spirit or astral realms are also known as the afterlife. They vary from the lower astral realms, through the highly populated middle realms, and on into the higher astral realms or heavens.
          When you pass on from the physical realm, as we all do eventually, you will find yourself located in the exact spirit realm that corresponds to your normal frequency of consciousness. If you have strong issues to resolve, they will hold you back a little until you have worked through them by a process of integration.

          The whole experience of the afterlife is dedicated to the integration of whatever issues of separation were generated during a person's physical lifetime. If they became polarized against a particular person, i.e., grew to hate them, then they will learn to see the situation from a higher perspective and heal that issue of separation through the forgiveness of themselves and the other person.
          Then, as the healing of any issues occurs, they rise higher in consciousness within the spirit world.
          The mentality of 3D (the third density physical world) is separative in nature and 4D (the fourth density spirit world) is integrative, or healing, in nature. 3D resonates to the human solar plexus energy center, with its mental development and its competitive nature, while 4D resonates to the heart.
          The higher aspect of heart consciousness is the first stage of spiritual awareness. It is here that, as a principle, the good of the many is recognized as being more important than immediate benefits to the self. This leads to a sense of service where the person wants to help ensure that the best is available to everyone.
          This is the foundation of a world which is supportive rather than competitive. In such a world there really is more for everyone; much more, because the energy that was spent in competition against others is now funneled into productive work.
          At night, when you leave the awareness of your physical body behind, it is not because your brain has shut down for the night. It is because your attention has shifted into your spirit body. Your spirit body rises out of your physical body and prepares to begin your nocturnal adventures.
          A curtain of forgetfulness is drawn across our consciousness each time we awake from sleep.
          Because our night-time adventures typically occur in the fourth-density spirit world, which is a more subtle realm than our third-density physical world, our nocturnal activities are more vivid, more alive, and more real than anything that occurs during the day.
          Because the spirit world is where the population of the afterlife lives, you often meet friends and relatives there who have passed on from the physical world. Night time can be a wonderful time of reunion with such dear friends, so it’s well worth making the effort to increase your dream recall ability.

          Your spirit body naturally resonates to the spirit world. Once freed from the physical shell each night as your physical body falls asleep, it will normally move upwards from the physical third-density world towards the light of the fourth-density spirit world.
          Upon arriving, you will notice extra light everywhere -- it fills the air and it radiates outwards from solid objects. This is because material in the spirit realms is made of etheric energy, which is a higher energy than the electric energy that forms physical matter.
          The air in the spirit world is filled with etheric energy, ready to be drawn into some useful form by the intent of any individual. People in the afterlife can build a new home just as fast as they can visualize every part of it. It will stay in existence as long as they pay it occasional attention.
          If they want a little variety in the appearance of their new home, they can even redecorate it every day! If they leave and move elsewhere, the house will slowly dissolve, over a period of months, back into the atmosphere as etheric energy.
          The fact that people who live in the spirit realms create homes does not exclude you, the temporary night-time visitor, from doing the same. In fact, having a private retreat somewhere in the spirit world is a wonderful help in recovering from the stresses of daytime physical living. There is plenty of space in the spirit world for you to find a quiet, private location for your retreat.
          One of the curious properties of the spirit world is that you can actually create your own space, fill it with objects of your own design, and it will be something that no one else would perceive unless they tuned into your thought pattern as the creator of that scene. It can even be large enough to include your own idea of an ocean scene with a perfect, setting sun.
          It won't be the actual Sun; it'll just be your own, private, artistic creation built for your own enjoyment, and it will last for as long as you pay occasional attention to it.
          The spirit or astral body is quasi-physical. This means that, while it is subtle and etheric compared to the physical body, it is still solid in its own environment. In the spirit realms of 4D, matter is composed of etheric energy and is solid to the touch. If you bump into another spirit or astral body on your travels, they will seem solid, just like bumping into another person in the physical world.
          The fact that spirit matter is less dense than physical matter gives you a lot more freedom of movement. You can meet a friend halfway around the world in one or two seconds of travel time, just by projecting your spirit body to that new location. You tune into that person and, wherever they are, mentally project, and you will appear at that location.
          A simple intention is all it takes to decide what each night's adventure can be. Then, upon awakening, you’re halfway to remembering what happened.
          So far, we have examined the possibilities for nocturnal adventures where you can:
          1. Go and see friends and relatives who have either passed on or, just like you, are temporarily out-of-body for the night.
          2. Notice how the 4D air is full of energy and materialize solid objects either just for fun or for artistic development.
          3. Find a piece of land away from it all and build a small retreat there.
          4. Decide who or where to go and see in a distant location, gather your intent, and project there instantly.
          Remember this …
The challenge is to remember such adventures. Intent is the key. Tell yourself, "Tonight, I intend to (have this adventure) and I will remember it upon awakening."
          Keep a notebook and pen right beside your bed and some source of light (even a flashlight will do.) Get in the habit of recalling dreams as soon as you awake and writing down everything you can. You've just returned from another world to a brain that's had the night off, so those memories will begin to fade fast as soon as you wake up. Seconds count in writing down those dream details.
          Realize that the immediate dream state is shallow compared to full immersion in the spirit world. The easiest dreams to recall are the ones that occur when you are almost ready to wake up. They are typically dramatic scenes filled with symbols that help you integrate the stresses that you have felt in previous days.
          The key to understanding them is to ask what each symbol means to you emotionally. Then, you’ll understand the stress that was being worked out in the dream, or the message that your inner being was bringing to the surface for your attention.
          As you become more practiced in dream recall, you will soon reach beyond the initial dream state and remember the deeper, real-life experiences that you have each night in the spirit world.
          The good news is that today, due to ongoing effect of The Shift, the veil is thinning between the 3D physical world and the 4D spirit world. As each year passes, people are remembering more and more upon awakening. You may sometimes find yourself between wakefulness and sleep, and you are really not sure which state you are in.
          Today, this is quite common, due to the thinning of the veil. As The Shift continues, and physical matter will move fully into 4D, there will be no veil and full recall will be easy.

          This article appeared on Seri’s World Wide Web site:




This page updated October 8, 2014


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