Cosmic Book Reviews


from the April 2017 Star Beacon


A UFO 'go-to' book


The Alien Abduction Files: The Most Startling Cases of Human-Alien Contact Ever Reported
by Kathleen Marden and Denise Stoner
New Page Books, May 2013
ISBN 978-1601632715
Paperback, 256 pages,
Paperback, $16.99

Review by A
nn Ulrich Miller

           A few years ago I reviewed Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience, by Stanton T. Friedman and Kathleen Marden. It's a book I am proud to display in my UFO library collection. So, it was with pleasure that I read another book on the phenomenon of alien abduction by Kathleen Marden, the niece of Betty Hill, who co-authored The Alien Abduction Files with Denise Stoner.
           Denise contacted me earlier this year and we exchanged books after our phone chat. The Alien Abduction Files is, in my opinion, the best I've read on the subject. Both women are respected scholars in their field and have worked together to present believable yet mind-blowing testimony of the most startling kind.
           Because some of Denise's experiences happened in Colorado, and in areas I can relate to since I live in the state, the episodes of missing time, sightings and interactions with the ETs both on board and off their craft, brought it home for me. I was hooked from the very beginning.
           Denise has spent a quarter of a century researching the alien abduction phenomenon and has documented the physical and psychological impact on experiencers. She has worked one-on-one with abductees and for many years hosted private meetings for groups of people who have been abducted.
           Kathleen Marden is an author, alien abduction researcher and lecturer and is, as was mentioned, the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, the first publicized abductees whose story broke during the ’60s. Her book, Captured!, written with Stanton Friedman, a well known author and UFO researcher, goes into more depth from a personal point of view.
           Abductions that involve unwilling participants who undergo experimental medical procedures on board alien craft appear to follow family genetic lines. Often those who discover they've been taken and examined find out their parents were abductees as well.
           The first half of the book deals mainly with Denise's experiences, and the second half focuses on a woman named Jennie, who has a history of abductions as well that involve not only herself but her family, including her mother and her husband and children. I don't want to spoil it by revealing too much of what went on, and how Kathleen investigated their claims.
           It is so far the most fascinating read I've come across, with perhaps the exception of Niara Isley's Facing the Shadow, Embracing the Light (see more on page. 13). The Alien Abduction Files was something I could personally relate to in the sense that it talks about women in my generation, and it also brought up lesser memories of my own past, although my UFO experiences pale in comparison to what these women and many other people on Earth have had to endure.
          It may be mind-blowing to read, but the book is written in such a way that you cannot dismiss the evidence presented. Marden's investigative techniques of the witnesses/victims can be compared to a prosecuting attorney gathering evidence to bring about a trial against a party that has brought injury and injustice to unwilling human beings.
          After reading their book, your mind will broaden to where you can't help but wonder "what’s next?" It opens the door to a leap in consciousness where we could be looking at a whole new dimension of reality that exists right now, but for the most part has been dismissed or ignored by the scientific community and even those in the UFO field who prefer to call these people crazy or attention seekers. In my opinion, there is a lot more going on here than we realize, and The Alien Abduction Files is one you won’t want to put down.
          One word of advice: Reading this book before going to sleep could be hazardous to your dreams (as was the case with me). I also felt a bit "triggered" by some of the vivid and excellent art in the book, and depictions of ETs that I have not seen in print before; they appeared uncannily familiar to me.
          I recommend the book to experiencers as well as non-experiencers. It opens the door to possibilities and explanations for some who may not know where to turn for the answers to questions in their lives that have gotten swept under the rug for too long.





This page updated April 8, 2017


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