Rumors to Reality

An article from the August 2018 issue of THE STAR BEACON

Art by Hartmut Jager


Project Camelot's Kerry Cassidy put out a video on You Tube on Nov. 8, 2013, which is her "total recall" of an interview with Captain Mark Richards, which was conducted at Vacaville Prison on Nov. 2, 2013.

She writes, "This is the first time in the over 30 years of his incarceration that any journalist has interviewed him." She was not allowed to document this face-to-face interview with a camera or any recording devices, nor was she allowed to take notes during the interview.

"Everything you are about to see has been recalled from memory immediately after my meeting with him. Just prior to the interview, I spoke briefly with his wife, Jo Ann, who also was present during the interview."

Navy Captain Mark Richards was an officer involved in the Dulce Battle as well as being very active in the Secret Space Program and US Space Command for many years prior to his being arrested and convicted of a murder he did not commit.

"This is a classic case of the government framing someone who they feel may be turning against them from within the military," Cassidy writes.

She goes on to explain, "When the truth was evident that sub-humans and other creatures were being produced from abducted human females, impregnated against their will, a secret resistance group formed within the military and intelligence agencies of the US Government that did not approve of the deals that had been made with the 'Off-worlders.'

"Many of these brave humans would be assassinated, or 'died under mysterious circumstances,' or would be silenced in other ways. The Air Force Intelligence Officer that reportedly was the man who met with the Aliens at Holloman (Air Force Base) in 1964 was the legendary 'Dutchman,' Ellis Loyd Richards, Jr. -- the same man who would reportedly order the attack on Dulce in 1979, and whose son, Captain Mark Richards, would lead the human attack on the facility." -- E.D.H. Earth Defense Headquarters' Technical Brief/ Winter -- 2001


Published by -- Earth Defense Headquarters

Kerry Cassidy Project Camelot

EDITOR: I watched the fascinating video that is one hour and 18 minutes long, but worth seeing. Following are some snippets I gleaned from watching the video:

Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot visited the Vacaville (Calif.) prison on Nov. 2, 2013 to interview Captain Mark Richards. She was accompanied by Mark's wife.

Captain Richards was part of Operation Moon Dust, which was involved in recovering alien technology.

Kerry found out from Mark that he cannot talk about select information or he and his family will be killed. He was careful not to violate his security clearance.

The meeting that Dwight D. Eisenhower had at Edwards Air Force Base involved three groups of aliens: the Nordics, the Reptilians and Gargoyles (unclear about that last word -- ED.).

Humans are being manipulated. We are mining out in space, for silver and gold on other planets.

Our orbiting (?) cloud of asteroids makes it difficult for alien races to maneuver their crafts.

The US still goes around the world and pays off others to be the first on the scene at any cost, to obtain space technology. Recovering the alien technology is key.

In the Falklands there is Black Manna Oil.

Captain Mark Richards has flown many interstellar crafts, and also his father. They have a Nazi bloodline, although Mark is anti-Nazi. The Captain is of Scottish and German heritage, related to the Stewarts and part of the Hapsburgs' line. He has contact with people from the "other side."

We don't see gigantic craft taking off in space because they use stargates to transport themselves, and they also use the stargates to transport materials that are used on the Moon and Mars. Apparently, we can go as far as the Moon and Mars, but any farther than that, it gets "dicey."

The Chinese are dealing with a new race of beings.

The Secret Space program is run mostly by humans from the USA. A lack of funding has dampened the program. There are various alien groups, including ones from the Galactic Federation, dampened the program. There are various alien groups, including ones from the Galactic Federation, Reptilians and Raptors, plus interdimensional groups.

There are many stargates on the planet. Some are natural vortexes. There are stargates in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran.

We are able to go to the Moon and to Mars easier using the stargates, and are able to transport materials through them. But using the stargates can lead to health problems.

Mark Richards was disenchanted with his job in the military. He is anti-Nazi. He did not like the blanket murdering of ET races. It was his liaison with Russian and French women in Intelligence that made him a threat.

He was framed with murder and imprisoned for "life" for fear that if they did not "remove" him, he would become a whistleblower.

Pope John Paul’s death in the 1970s was by murder. In 1979, the Vatican underwent a drastic change and a power struggle occurred within the Vatican.

Regarding Earth's financial system, he says China won't take it over.

There is no "second sun," though we may have once been a binary solar system.

Time traveler, Nazi technology has been in existence since the '40s. Individuals can go to the "Other Side" (parallel Earth) to bring back others and make them younger, etc. (augmentation).

The Rothschilds have less dominance than commonly thought regarding power structure. The Bushes, etc., have Reptilian DNA. They do not go to regular hospitals because of this.

Area 51 is in Los Alamos, N.M. and contains a stargate. There are other places in the Southwest, such as Menwith Hill in Sedona.

Australia's outback has a number of stargates that the US military uses.

Shapeshifting is not as David Icke describes. There are certain races that will materialize or use an android body that looks human.

There are hundreds of races of Andromedans with different agenda. They were involved in a civil war with the Praying Mantises. Originally, the Praying Mantises were human allies, but they have changed over time. You don't know who you are more Reptoid looking. Neither of these races like humans.

The Draco race have wings and are different altogether.

"They" are transforming the planet to make it more accessible to Reptoid races; one example is Fukushima.

Mutants are coming in, a sort of Human 2.0 race of beings, which is their motivation.

Captain Richards was framed for murder and unable to defend himself because he could not talk with his security clearance. He was away on a secret mission during the crime’s commission and couldn’t defend himself.

The Dulce, N.M. "battle" was a result of violence as a last resort.

At Dulce, several Grays were killed in order to free humans, who were enslaved. Most the Grays are clones. They have a non-Gray leader. The military was sent in by President Carter. The Zeta Reticulans run the Dulce group.

Nuking is one way they fight battles.

Gates are used by Grays all the time. Usage of the gates over time affects mental function.

Augmented intelligence is being used by most of the Secret Space military.

"The Nano" is the most dangerous experience.

No one alien race is running Planet Earth because they are too busy fighting each other.

There is a possible return of Marduk.

The Sumerians were reptilians and were related to the ones who are running the Vatican (reptilian).

The new pope is a Nazi (reptilian).

Obama went to Israel to visit an Annunaki underground base.

Robots are one of the biggest threats we have coming in. Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) in general is a big danger to humanity. Artificial Intelligence is not running Earth, but it's a big potential enemy.

At Eisenhower's meeting with groups of aliens, there were Nordics (with white blond hair) present. Not all are friendly. Pleiadians are different; their hair is darker blond in color (than the Nordics).

We are protected on Earth. We are kind of in a "tacit peace" or truce, to allow humanity on the planet.

The Battle of LA involved ETs. The Japanese and people in different countries deal with different kinds of ETs. Governments do not act alone, but in concert with the ET races. The Navy deals with Reptilians in underground bases, and some have been nuked. Crude nuclear power is useless in space.

The US Air Force is dealing with the Raptors, and therefore the Navy doesn't trust them that much. Catalina is an underwater base, and we are the second guard.

Different races of ET love our chocolate.

Earth and our solar system are well coveted positions on the Milky Way. We are in a highly contested area that is desirable to all races.

Wars have been taking place over the last 50 years between all the different races.

There is a Sirius connection in Turkey. There are canine beings that resemble two-legged dogs that have been coming here for eons. There are also cat people. The Egyptians dealt with all different races coming here on a different level.

St. George, in the Falkland Islands, is a major base and may be where the Raptors are.

Neutrinos are the best source of fuel for getting around the solar system.

Captain Richards flew experimental space craft that became part of the secret space program. He and his wife, JoAnn, have ongoing communication with the Raptors.

Human women are extremely desirable to male ETs (Raptors), but they have to be "assisted." It's a big deal to be with a human woman.

Particle beam weapons and scalar weapons are more advanced.

He talked about propulsion systems and free energy, and said that "black star" or "black hole" technology is used by other races to warp-jump and propel their craft.



For more fascinating information or to view the video on You Tube, please visit Project Camelot's web site:






This page updated August 9, 2018


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