
edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
© 2012 (all rights reserved)

An article from the August 2012 issue of

Gingrich says power grid vulnerable

(Taken from Filer’s Files, dated July 19, 2012):
          WASHINGTON -- After recent storms knocked out power for more than 3 million people in the middle of a record heat wave, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich decided to talk about America's vulnerable power grid. In an opinion piece posted on The Washington Post, Gingrich writes: "Without power, the comforts of home become worthless. You sit in the sweltering heat, realizing you are living in a box that, without electricity, is a trap. You pray for the 'juice' to return before your groceries go bad. You either make do in the heat or find refuge with friends who have electricity."
          Newt claims that the power grid is created in such a way that doomsday-level damage could be caused if the United States were to be hit with an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) strike or even a major solar storm. The former speaker is worried that a nuclear weapon detonated over the atmosphere of the continental United States could cause an EMP that would knock power out for months, perhaps even years. Gingrich also points to the Carrington Event of 1859, a solar storm that since that time has caused geomagnetic disturbances every 75 years.
          While we may think the possibility of a solar storm causing major issues is not possible, in 1989 a space storm knocked out power to millions of people in Quebec for several hours. "Suppose that, rather than being a temporary disruption in our lives, the power outage lasted weeks or months, or even years. Consider what state all of us, from the richest to the poorest, would be in if we were still literally in the dark. Millions could be trapped in houses or apartments that were never designed for this climate without air conditioning. No cool air; months with no food shipments and every pharmacy shut down -- no refills for life-sustaining medications."
          Consider making preparations, just in case.
          (Source: Filer’s Files #29-2012)

The 'God particle'

          A group of physicists in Switzerland claim they have discovered the existence of the "God particle." Scientists from CERN, an organization for nuclear research in Europe, worked with the world's largest atom smasher and say the particle exists.
          The Higgs boson is a subatomic particle that, if confirmed, might explain why matter has mass, which combines with gravity to give an object weight. The scientists' data shows the footprint and shadow of the so-called "God particle," which they say all but proves it exists --although it has actually yet to be seen. So far $10 billion has gone into the project. The "God particle" could explain the workings of the universe. The term "God particle" is used as an explanation for how the subatomic universe works rather than how it all began. (Source: ABC News and Associated Press)

          To read more about the "God particle," check out Owen Waters' article at http://www.seri-worldwide.org/id779.html

Orb pictures continue to intrigue us

          Shirley Coker from near Port Angeles, Wash., sent me some of her "orb" photos taken on her ranch on the Olympic Peninsula. She wrote: "This was taken last spring... the very first of many Orbs! Imagine my surprise when I saw them on the computer! I like the one with Moose (her dog), because it does show they are real... many were skeptical until I showed them that particular picture, then it was ... WOW!" Shirley's orb photos will appear in her forthcoming book. This one was taken in the snow. Shirley says, "They love to hang around Loosey Goosey (my goose), Maynard the Mallard, the chickens and Canadian geese that hang out here. Most of these Orbs aren't as colorful as some I've seen, but they’re sure active here.
          "This picture is of the top of a burn pile that's behind the UFO," explains Shirley. "I cleared a lot of trees from my place. The fire you see is only one stump pile burning... about two stories high. Dec, 17, late in the afternoon, I took this picture. That evening I went to a Joyce Fire Department Christmas dinner and took another picture of the fire burning. At least I thought it was the fire until I put it in my computer! You can barely see the fire behind the UFO! This fire was in a little draw, or valley, and I took the pictures from up on my road." The picture on the left Shirley took upon returning from dinner two hours later.
          "Again I thought I was taking a picture of the fire, which was huge and beautiful at night. You can see the fire (sort of) through the amazing Orbs and energy that was permeating the area at the time. Again, I didn't see this with my naked eyes as I assumed I was taking pictures of the fire (which I was seeing) for my scrapbook. When I put my camera card in my computer, these pictures are what came up! I was totally astounded, to say the least."

          Sara Hockenbery in Cottonwood, Ariz., also sent me some Orb photos she'd taken recently. In this trailer picture she says the large spots are Orbs. In the mailbox photo there is a "being" along with Orbs.
          In early July my son Marty visited me with his new family from Delta, Colo. Orbs turned up, as they usually do in photos I take of my son. This last photo, taken in my neighbor's house, captured an unseen Orb that showed up near the ceiling.


Our summer trip to the Pacific Northwest
          Doug and I traveled to Oregon and Washington again this summer, to explore more options for our upcoming move. We love the Olympic Peninsula and are keeping Port Angeles in mind, but we spent a portion of our travel time in Bandon, Ore., the guests of Paul Mounts and Dr. Evelyn Fuqua-Cook, who is a longtime subscriber to TSB.

          Paul’s large, comfortable home sits above the harbor where the Coquille River enters into the Pacific Ocean. Our stay there was one of the trip highlights. Evelyn recently came out with her book, Cosmic Relationships, which I reviewed in the June Star Beacon. She graciously invited us to be a part of their group light meeting. We liked Bandon and the Coos Bay area and have added it to our relocation possibilities.


To view the many pictures of Orbs, you may purchase the August Star Beacon (PDF for $12) or the print issue ($4.50).





This page updated August 6, 2012


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