edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
© 2013 (all rights reserved)
An article from the February 2013 issue of
Lake Monona UFO from September 1970
Rich Heiden sent me a
clipping from the A.P.R.O. Bulletin dated back in September-October 1970
which contained the close encounter of two people I knew in high school.
The event occurred in my hometown of Monona, Wis., and only a couple of blocks
away from my childhood home. Denise Fritz was my friend, and she subsequently
married her boyfriend, Mike Butler. Here’s the clip:
“Our second sighting in that
general area took place at 10 p.m. on the 8th of September 1970. Miss Denise
Fritz and her friend Mike Butler were boating on Lake Monona, Wis., when they
became aware of a lighted object approaching the lake. They at first thought it
was going to crash, but it stopped and hovered about 50 to 100 feet above some
trees near a boat landing on Winnequah Road (Ed.’s Note: The boat
landing was actually at the end of my road, Winnequah Trail).
“The object then beamed two
bright lights at their boat. They swerved the boat a couple of times but the
lights followed them. They became frightened, went back to the pier as fast as
they could with the lights following them. They didn’t bother tying up the boat,
ran into Denise’s home. Dense said she was so frightened that she was shaking
and crying for two hours after the incident. Miss Fritz described the object as
oval but said she couldn’t focus on it very well to be certain. It made
absolutely no sound and neither of the young people felt it could have been an
ordinary aircraft.
“Four Monona women later
reported they had been driving in a car at the corner of Bridge Road and Panther
Trail when they spotted a lightened object which they first thought was a
low-flying plane. They stopped the car and got out for a closer look, noting
that the object was stationary. They couldn’t make out a shape, they said, and
the object took off immediately after they stopped the car.
“The night was clear with the
moon low in the northwest and there were some stars. The duration of the
sighting by Denise Fritz and Mike Butler was 15 minutes.”
It is interesting to note that
I had the opportunity to talk briefly with Denise about her UFO sighting. We met
at our 35th year high school class reunion in 2010. I had played at her house
when we were younger. She and Mike are still married, living in Wisconsin.
Nothing else UFO related ever happened to her.
Looking back at my journals, I
pulled out my entry from Sept. 8, 1970, and I had just moved into my brother’s
home in Whitewater, Wis., the day before I started my freshman year at
Whitewater State University. UFOs were the furthest thing from my mind!
Crop circles in east Washington state
AP Photo/The Wilbur Register, Courtney Ruiz
“You can’t do anything other than laugh about it,” said Cindy Geib, who owns the
field with her husband Greg. “You just kind of roll with the theory it’s aliens
and you’re special because aliens chose your spot.” Friends called the Geibs on
July 24 when the pattern of flattened wheat was spotted off Highway 174, about
five miles north of town. The field is about 10 miles south of the Grand Coulee
dam, which the Bureau of Reclamation says is the largest hydropower producer in
the United States.
The design knocked down about an acre of their wheat, some of which could be
salvaged by combines. This is not the first crop circle to appear in Lincoln
County. Similar circular patterns were left in crops in the Wilbur area in 2010
and in 2008 or 2009, according to Geib.
Lynne Brougher, public affairs officer for the Grand Coulee dam, hadn’t heard
about the latest crop circles but said the previous one was no cause for alarm.
“It seemed to be highly unusual,” Brougher said. “As I recall from a couple of
years ago, there was no good explanation of how they got there.” Still, she
added, “it wasn't a concern.”
The latest crop circle was first reported Tuesday by Spokane station KHQ-TV
(http://is.gd/57FTpy). There were no signs that anyone walked into the field.
“We’re trying to figure out how they got out there without breaking any of the
wheat. It’s hard to walk through the crunchy wheat and not knock it down,” Geib
said. “At the same time, it’s hard to think it’s aliens. It’s a bizarre thing to
wrap your brain around.”
(Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and The Associated Press, with thanks
to Rich Heiden)
Shirlè Klein-Carsh’s book, Permutation, A True UFO Story, is coming out in March
in a new print edition available through CreateSpace, as well as in eBook form
through Amazon Kindle.
The first edition came out in 1993 and completely sold out. Shirlè’s remarkable
story is classic and includes photos of the eight gold plates given to her by
the extraterrestrial named Frank, who was her contact “in the flesh” for two
years in the early ’70s.
You will want to get a copy for your UFO library of this book by the Canadian
artist and contactee who currently resides in West Vancouver, British Columbia.
Stay tuned for news updates.
Nina Ansley’s book
Winston Y. Wilder writes: “Nina Ansley’s Plague of Provence is a work
reminiscent of the classic historical novel writers of a bygone era who
intrigued us with eminent skill in their art. So much so that we will always
remember what they taught us, and how much we enjoyed learning more with each
reading. If you relish the works of old masters such as Alexandre Dumas’ Count
of Monte Christo, you will equally savor The Plague of Provence and possibly be
amazed, as I was, there was a contemporary writer of kindred caliber.”
What not too many people know is that the character Raimond was actually Thokol
of Saturn, whom Nina channeled in her series of articles, “Life on Saturn” and
“Cosmic School” columns in early Star Beacon issues. I have decided to rerun
some of those articles from Thokol starting with this issue.
Thokol’s life history as Raimond in this fabulous novel is available in hardback
and eBook form through Nina’s daughter, Janis Ansley-Ungar. To order the book,
go to theplagueofprovence.com or email Janis at jaungar@mindspring.com.
This page updated January 30, 2013
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