edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
© 2013 (all rights reserved)
An article from the August 2013 issue of
UFO appears in 'Street View'
Richard Heiden sent me a
news clipping of a UFO reported on a Web site called Gather.com, on March 7,
2013. He states, "I don't know where this Web site is located," but the headline
reads: GOOGLE NEWS: UFO Photobombs Wisconsin Google Street View.
"A pink UFO was
discovered lurking in the background of a Google Street View photo from
Wisconsin, by a person who was using the site to look for a new home. There's
really no surefire way to tell if this picture is photo-shopped or not, so you
pretty much have to take this person’s word for it.
"This could very well be
a fake, but who knows? This wouldn't be the first time that evidence of the
paranormal has appeared on Street View. About six months ago, the media
reported that a space ship was identified in Google images from Jacksonville,
"In the Wisconsin photo,
there is a champagne colored craft, in the shape of an isosceles triangle,
hovering in the air over several trees. There is no one around, and the photo
was snapped during a clear day. What is your opinion? Is this a legitimate UFO
sighting, or some computer-generated trickery?
The house searcher wrote:
"Today I was looking at houses for sale. On this site, you can hit street view,
so I was looking around the area and there was this amazing pink UFO, I was
surprised and thrilled!" the witness stated.
According to the
Mirror, John Lakey, the director of St Louis' (Missouri) McDonnell Planetary
Center, was asked by St. Louis news station KPLR what he thought of the captured
image of the pink flying craft. "That's almost certainly a lens flare effect.
Yeah, it just looks like an artifact from a lens."
He went on to say that
"an alien spacecraft is probably one of the least likely things that an
unidentified object would be, just because the distances between stars is just
too vast for any kind of realistic travel."
Mr. Lakey also commented
that if it is a flying object, it's unidentified, and that means that it's some
object that no one can identify. Well, yeah ...
The report was dated Jan.
25, 2013, which said that this was the second time a pink UFO had been observed
on Street View.
Thanks for that report, Rich. By the way, Rich Heiden has been collecting UFO
reports and published news clippings for many years. I'm actually rather fond of
pink UFOs myself as my oldest son, Ryan, photographed one above the San Luis
Valley in the mid-'90s with a 35mm camera, and didn't even know how the UFO got
on his roll of film. He certainly didn't remember taking the photo, pictured
here on the left.
New blue planet
NASA's Hubble space telescope has identified the true color of a planet 63 light years away from Earth, a distant blue marble that, unlike our own planet, has torrential rainstorms of glass. HD 189733b, orbiting star HD 189733, would be seen by human eyes as a striking cobalt blue, the Hubble team says, ostensibly similar to Earth when viewed from space. However, in actual fact, the exoplanet is one of a bizarre collection of "hot Jupiters" where temperatures can reach almost 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit (over 1,000 degrees Celsius).
It's that extreme temperature -- caused by the planet's very close orbit to the star -- that gives HD 189733b what's perhaps its most unusual feature: its storms of glass. The atmosphere is filled with silicate particles, NASA explains, and when they condense in the tremendously furious heat, they could rain down as tiny droplets of glass. It's the silicate that gives the planet its distinctive color, with the droplets scattering more blue light than red in the visible spectrum. (See http://www.slashgear.com)
(Source: Filer’s Files #29-2013, dated 7-17-13).
Moon Base
George Filer writes in his Filer's Files: "In 1994, the US Navy
sent a satellite called Clementine to the moon to image it for two months.
During that time, the satellite took 1.8 million images. Out of those images,
170,000 images were made available to the public. The rest were classified, Yes,
classified moon craters and straight lines like this?
My friend, the late Ingo Swann,
remote-viewed key locations on the Moon and found about 10 different locations
that indicated an unearthly extraterrestrial presence. "Swann 'saw' with his
mind's eye craters in darkness, and trails of tractor-tread marks. Confusion set
in until Swann realized that he was 'seeing' intelligent activity and structures
on the moon.
"In the depths of a crater he
viewed a green, dusty haze lit by banks of artificial lights mounted on very
large, tall towers. He was apparently observing extraterrestrials building a
base on the moon. Ingo sensed that he had been psychically 'spotted' by two of
the humanoid-looking inhabitants of the moon base. The aliens appeared to be
conducting mining operations on the Moon."
(Source: Filer's Files
#27-2013, dated 7-17-13).
Earth Star's New Books
Naturally, I have to mention our two new releases. Most of you will have
received a flyer on these. James Parsons, who unfortunately did not live to see
his hard work in print, wrote Into the Wild Blue and Beyond, a
look at some of the most intriguing UFO cases in history, including Billy Meier,
Roswell and the Aztec, N.M. crashes.
Shirle Klein-Carsh, Canadian surrealist artist and prominent ufologist, has
allowed me to reprint her life story in a revised version. Permutation, A
True UFO Story, sold out after its printing in 1993. Shirle is an
amazing woman.
Both books sell for $15.00 and are available through CreateSpace.com or
Amazon.com, or you can mail Earth Star a check for $18.00 postpaid for either
($36.00 if you want both!). Each of the titles are available as eBooks
for $9.95 each.
Get Free Books! You heard right ...
Because we are moving ... we
need to lighten the load. You can help out by ordering from the list of books we
are GIVING away. If you did not receive one of our color flyers with this issue,
here’s the deal: Pick as many books as you wish for FREE. The only thing you
need to pay is for the shipping ($3.00 per item).
The free titles include: The
Space Trilogy (Ann Carol Ulrich's space fiction): Intimate Abduction,
Return To Terra and The Light Being. The first three books in the
Annette Vetter teen adventure series: The Mystery at Hickory Hill, The
Secret of the Green Paint, and The Pouting Pumpkin Mystery. In the
Romantic Suspense category, we are giving away Ann Carol Ulrich's Night
of the November Moon, Ethan Miller's Western historical novel, Night of
the White Raven, and Dorothy J. McMurry's post-Civil War historical love
story, Black Pearls.
In the Metaphysical
category, I have copies of my spiritual autobiography, Throughout All Time, A
Cosmic Love Story, to give away, along with Allison Bluestar Rae's Stars
& Myths, A Path of Higher Consciousness, and Orrin William Auman's By the
Help of the Infinite, A Spiritual Interpretation of Life. We also have
copies of Cosmic Cooking, Healing Potions & Other Magic by Star Beacon
Readers. If you're an animal lover, you'll enjoy Maxie by
Betty Basler Barbosa. And for the little ones in your life, Verna Namy's
colorfully illustrated juvenile hardback, Ancient Secrets in the Garden,
talks about herbs.
Get one ... get them all
... get as many as you like (at $3.00 each just for the shipping). Go to the
Free Books Web page... or send your
check and your requests to: Earth Star, 195 Sundown Circle, Pagosa Springs, CO
81147. Thanks so much for your help!
I visited Arda Golden Eagle
Woman when I went to Cedaredge in June to visit son Marty and his family.
Arda wrote a column several years ago called "Crystals of Light." It was great
to see her again. She is hoping soon to publish her spiritual children's book,
Song of the Golden Eagle.
This page updated August 4, 2013
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