Commander's Star Base:
Ask an ET

by Commander Sanni Ceto
© 2013 (all rights reserved)

An article from the April 2013 issue of

Q:  Dear Commander,
         Could you give a list of extraterrestrial species on Earth, their numbers and their origins, please?
                                             Many thanks, Freddy


A: Dear Freddy,
         There are about 48 different subraces and species of Grays, which are insectoid. There are over a dozen different species of reptoids or lizard ETs and humanoids. There are Lyrans, Pleiadians and Andromedans, plus there are many different multi-dimensional species that aren’t really from other worlds but are on different levels of inner and external realms beyond and co-existing with the Earth realms.
        Then there are the robots and probes and orbs that are created by the humanoids and insectoids. The Yetis are primates created through genetic manipulation with ancient hominids and ETs.

                                                               Love, Commander Sanni

Q: Dear Commander Sanni,
          I am lost. This is the feeling I have had since a very early age. I’m way over middle age now ... and I have been researching UFOs and spiritual teachings. I want to understand who I am. Please tell me who am I?
                                                                    Thank you, Sukran


A:  Dear Sukran,
          You’re Lyran.
                                                                  Love, Commander Sanni


Q: Dear Sanni,
          I am from the Philippines. I had an ET craft sighting last October 28, 2012. It was pink, ethereal, saucer-like, and seemed to be emitting a translucent silhouette behind it. It also signaled a yellow light at me. May I know what race do they come from? And may I also know how to trace my ET origin, if I have any? I do CE-5 procedures too. I follow Dr Greer’s guided meditations and read Lauren Zimmerman’s books.


A:  Dear Kevin,
          The pink you saw was a force field on the medium level, which means a craft not on max or operating extremely fast. The brighter the color, the higher the force field’s work. The transluscence you saw was the pulse emitter generated by its force fields, allowing the craft to fly unhindered by an atmosphere and gravity pulling it.
          This is an antigravity device utilized by crafts. The craft you saw was Pleiadian and, yes, it was a discoid type craft as your region has many bases and subterranean facilities.
          Your stellar origin is Andromeda with the Lyran people.
                                                                      Love, Commander Sanni

Q: Dear Sanni,
          Is it possible for some hybrids to not be completely aware that they are hybrids? Such as, they know they are different but they don’t know how?

A:  Dear Ashley,
          Yes, many hybrids have no knowledge that they are different other than feeling like they are not from the Earth and feel a connection to other worlds.

                                                            Love, Commander Sanni

Special Announcement!

Commander Sanni’s books, STRANDED ON EARTH and ZETI CHILD
have been archived in the Roswell UFO Museum.

Special thanks to Mara & David Edwards for their help with this accomplishment!  

Commander Sanni Ceto’s two books, Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child, are available through or follow the link at

Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child are both now in ebook format at Amazon Kindle (for just $6.95).

If you have a question for Commander Sanni Ceto, please e-mail it to and put “Ask ET” in the subject line. The Commander is happy to answer any and all questions.





This page updated April 23, 2013


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