Commander's Star Base:
Ask an ET

by Commander Sanni Ceto
© 2014 (all rights reserved)

An article from the June 2014 issue of

Q:   Dear Commander,
At what time frame can we expect the aliens to come forward and introduce themselves rather than their constant teasing with shows in the air?
 Will we be safe as a human race? What kind of world environment will commence?
                          Peace and Kindness, Pam


A: Dear Pam,
         There is no time frame, but what you have in your minds. Only when a world has evolved will there be any open contact.
                                                               Love, Commander Sanni

Q:   Dear Commander,
I see where you have said that we cannot just depend on an ET civilization to help us solve ALL problems we are unwilling to undertake ourselves, and I agree entirely. However, I do believe that the Elohim, our creators via DNA manipulation, have been exemplary in guiding and assisting mankind over thousands of years since the making of Homo sapiens in the Rift Valley. Yahweh, President of the ETERNALS in heaven, even had one of his sons with an Earth woman, Jesus, teach morals and ethics among violent mankind, leading to his savage death.
         What chances do you see of our (human) species avoiding an atomic war, and if this happens, do you see that the species will be extinct ,or will there be viable survivors to repopulate the planet?


A: Dear Patrick,
         Those who survive will do so by going subterranean before it occurs, and having provisions and biodomes of horticulture to survive.
         A few will survive.
                                                               Love, Commander Sanni

Q:   Dear Commander,
I sense that I am being blocked, as in my energy, I am unable to adequately send it out, nor receive information back to myself that would be beneficial. Is there a group of beings, whether human or otherwise, that wish to hinder my spiritual, as well as personal, human evolution?
I feel as if I have been emptied out only to be filled up with ... what? I hope you can understand me, the distress and emotional pain it causes me at times to have my spiritual side of myself just cease to exist, even though I am sure it is still there, I just can't sense it as I once could. Thank you again for this opportunity.

A: Dear Marilyn,
         Energy blockage occurs on an etheric level or astral level, when an entity that seeks to stop you from evolving places a tap or a tube of energy that blocks your DNA from remembering and shuts down your seeking of answers.
         Many species want to keep humanity as slaves and therefore block your attempts to evolve spiritually. Protecting your aura is important and shielding your aura and the other etheric bodies will help to prevent you from being hindered and will work at deterring any species that seeks to stop you from evolving.
                                                               Love, Commander Sanni


Special Announcement!

Commander Sanni’s books, STRANDED ON EARTH and ZETI CHILD
have been archived in the Roswell UFO Museum.

Special thanks to Mara & David Edwards for their help with this accomplishment!  

Commander Sanni Ceto’s two books, Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child, are available through or follow the link at

Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child are both now in ebook format at Amazon Kindle (for just $6.95).

If you have a question for Commander Sanni Ceto, please e-mail it to and put “Ask ET” in the subject line. The Commander is happy to answer any and all questions.





This page updated June 4, 2014


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