Commander's Star Base

by Commander Sanni Ceto
© 2020 (all rights reserved)

An article from the June 2020 issue of


       Sanni Ceto will answer your questions about space. Here are this month’s questions from Lisa in California.


        Q:  Recently, because of the coronavirus, people have been going crazy for toilet paper and have been hoarding tons of it. Now in stores they are limiting the amount of toilet paper a person can buy. Pleiadians would always need to have continuous supplies of toilet paper as well, whether they are on their spaceships or on their home worlds. I am wondering, how do they make sure they never run out of toilet paper and other things, especially if they live on a spaceship for their whole lives?

       A:   On a ship things are more advanced, and toilet paper is advanced as well. It is created from trees on their home worlds and is recycled, so they never run out. Pleiadians are human and have bodily functions as well. Ship life is similar to life on an ocean liner and other large ships, with things planned for all passengers and the crew.


         Q:  I am a bit confused about something. I know that at some point there will be a mandatory vaccine which is a disguise for the implant. I also know that there will be a one-world currency. Is that two separate implants? One from the vaccine and the other as the global currency?

            If it’s only one implant from the vaccine, then what is the one-  world currency? Is it an item you can hold in your hand like a credit card?

        A:  The one-world currency will phase out paper money and coinage, and you will have a type of chip installed over a sequence of time that currently will prove to be a card encoded with information, like a credit card. It will coincide with the info that is stored in the implant or disguised as a vaccine shot implant.

              Both of these are ways for Earth to evolve into a cashless society, thus ending your freedom. Society will be tied into the super computer or the "beast," and to remain free, you should probably be wise and reject the vaccine unless you truly feel it’s a real vaccine only, and nothing else.

             The technology is at a stage where implants are feasible and mostly unseen and unnoticed as they are injected into the upper arm or hand. The implants are then scanned, similar to a bar code at the grocery checkout stand, and all information is read on a scanner. You will not pay for items with cash or coins, but by swiping a card. This is also used for many other things in a cashless society.


Q:   I know that music exists on other worlds. What is its purpose? What is it used for?


A:   Music is a medium through which to express emotion and to raise the vibration. It’s used to calm and excite. It’s used to share emotions about life, and it’s used to teach the relationships between frequencies and harmonics, pitch and tone. Music is a blend of different vibrations created via instruments or through songs and chants.



Q:   The constellation Orion was named after a hunter in Greek mythology. Was Orion an actual being of some type? Who named that constellation?

         Mythology is an Earthly concept, so I am wondering how that constellation got its name in the first place?

A:   The constellations were named as the ancients saw them, and no, Orion was a creature that was named after the hunting dog as well as Artimis, the goddess, over the bow and the art of the hunt. Myths arose from actual creatures unknown. Most of them became extinct.


Thanks once again to Lisa P. for her wonderful questions!

We invite readers to submit their questions for Commander Sanni by emailing


        Sanni Ceto is the author of Stranded On Earth, The Story of a Roswell Survivor ($16), and its sequel, Zeti Child, Lost Upon a One Star World ($12), both available from or from Earth Star Publications, P.O. Box 267, Eckert CO 81418.
She advocates for autism and lives a quiet life in an undisclosed town in the Rocky Mountain West.


Special Announcement!

Commander Sanni’s books, STRANDED ON EARTH and ZETI CHILD
have been archived in the Roswell UFO Museum.

Special thanks to Mara & David Edwards for their help with this accomplishment!  

Commander Sanni Ceto’s two books, Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child, are available through or follow the link at

Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child are both now in ebook format at Amazon Kindle (for just $6.95).






This page updated June 17, 2020



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