The Meaning of It All

© 2021 (all rights reserved)

An article from the February 2021 issue of THE STAR BEACON.

Photo by Doug Elmore


These are scary and dangerous times we live in right now. When everyone around me was happy to see 2020 end and were ringing in the "new year," I was privately asking, "What if 2021 is worse than its predecessor?" I am not a doomsayer and, of course, I wanted things to be better for us all ... but right now, let's face ... they are not.

As a matter of fact, the immediate future does not look too promising for any of us who love freedom and the many benefits we have living on this planet. I only hope we can hold our heads above water a little longer ... giving us enough time to right the wrongs, to correct the pathway of doom and head onto the road to enlightenment, prosperity and freedom for all.

As far as Covid is concerned, it appears to have worked very well for those individuals and leaders who were desperate to disrupt society and people’s lives worldwide. This is a case where the "cure" is more deadly than the disease, and by that I mean the way in which government and leaders usurped the crisis to force certain measures into their agenda to control and manipulate the human race.

Our world is divided. The demons in charge are celebrating that fact. The more divided we are, the more we resent (and even hate) each other for having different views, the more they celebrate their control over us and our suffering as we lose our freedoms. All of a sudden, our US Constitution means nothing ... well, it still means something to me and many others ... but apparently not to those who want to cancel and destroy anyone who tends to disagree with their radical views.

It breaks my heart to see the Bill of Rights trampled upon, our laws desecrated and ignored, our judges turning away when they know it must be wrong. How can so many be bought off that easily? What is happening to our civil society, our global family and concern for our fellow humans?

Ever since early November, I feel as though I've been treading water, hoping and waiting for a turnaround, for some log of hope floating along that I could grab onto and cling to. People have sent me encouraging videos of folks who are apparently working behind the scenes to expose the perpetrators who have brought all this chaos into our lives. It gives me hope ... and I pray that it's true we are going to overcome the evil ones ... but sometimes I wonder, what is really going on?

Because of lockdowns in many of our states, people are isolated from one another. We keep wishing for the "good old days" and wonder if we will ever be able to go anywhere without having to wear a mask. Or if I will ever see my grandson and be able to give him a hug. Or enjoy picnics and birthday celebrations and mingle with like-minded friends and family like we used to do.

I fear for those who must be feeling hopeless and afraid. Some of my dearest friends are in deep depressions and can’t sleep at night. All of this misery weighs on their minds and invites illness.

I also get depressed at times, but I want to let you in on a little secret. We are not doomed. It just feels like we are. We will get past all of this because evil cannot sustain itself in the face of Love and Light. We light workers were born for this moment in time, to share our love and our light and to shine it when the world needs it most. That time is now.

Keep your vibration high. Don't go sticking your head in the sand. Stay aware and informed, yes, but do not let propaganda such as mainstream TV news horrify you and lower your vibration. That's when fear sets in, followed by despair and physical impairment. It is important to know what is going on, but there are alternative sources for information besides what the globalists want you to listen to or see, in order to control your minds and fill you with fear and hate. They censor what they don't like.

By keeping my vibration high, I have found peace in my daily life. I am able to get a good night's sleep nine times out of 10. In my home I play music that resonates with my soul. I concentrate on things that I love doing, whether it's playing my piano or the stereo, dabbling in art, going for a walk around the block or enjoying the birds in my backyard. I talk to God a lot and express my gratitude for staying healthy. As a result this last year was productive and rewarding to my spirit.

Go within. Pray. Sing. Laugh. We are going to make it through this period in history.


Ann Ulrich Miller, publisher of The Star Beacon, writes from western Colorado.




Prom Night (#8 in the Annette Vetter Adventure Series)

by Ann Carol Ulrich

$9.95 from Earth Star or (Kindle $4.99)

Annette wonders why it's taking so long for Tim to ask her to the prom. All of her friends are going, and now ... the new boy in her art class has been flirting with her and has asked her to prom. Even though she told him she'd "think about it," still waiting on Tim ... Tony Petrosky spreads the rumor all over Ravensville High School that Annette is going to prom with HIM! Then, when Tim hears about it ...

Meanwhile, a homeless man has been seen camping in the Vetters' woods, and Annette has noticed a blue sedan with two men in suits who appear to have the property under surveillance. When Ruby's father, Bob, a recently returned Air Force veteran, hears about it, he's overly concerned.

Tim finally gets around to asking Annette to prom, but then Detective Brennan from the R.P.D. intercedes and suggests the two of them participate in a sting operation at the school. Prom Night turns out to be another exciting adventure for the students at Ravensville High School, and a surprise awaits Annette when Tim takes her home after the dance. ORDER YOUR COPY

Throughout All Time, A Cosmic Love Story

by Ann Ulrich Miller

Published in May 2009, 320 pages, 6"x9"

ISBN 978-0944851-29-6 (orig. $17)


Ann Ulrich Miller, Star Beacon publisher, is editor of The Star Beacon and Wisp, TSB’s sister publication.


Get Ann Ulrich Miller’s latest romantic suspense thriller, The Dream Chasers ($15).

The Dream Chasers, is available on Amazon in paperback ($15) or as an ebook from Amazon Kindle ($5.99). The audiobook version will be available soon.


Ann Ulrich Miller is publisher of The Star Beacon and Wisp, and has authored 19 books. Check them out at






This page updated January 24, 2021


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